Nearby Maps: 55.9997699 -4.720822: Page 1

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1 - 31 of 31
Welcome to Helensburgh - Birthplace of John Logie Baird inventor of television
Captayannis (Sunken ship)
Sea buoy
Victoria Tower
Ship propeller, anchor and capstan
Scotlands oldest surviving drydock
Former drydock
CalMac Gourock to Dunoon ferry
Greenock rail accident (6/25/1994)
PS Comet - Europe's first commercially successful steamboat
PS Comet - Europe's first commercially successful steamboat
Newark Castle
Loch Lomond Shores
Loch Lomond Aquarium
Paddle steamer Maid of the Loch
Former Balloch Pier Railway Station
Construction equipment in use
HMNB Clyde
Former Balloch Central Railway Station
Balloch Castle
Trafalgar class nuclear fleet submarine
Loch Lomond Distillery
Swiftsure class nuclear fleet submarine
Soldier in guard tower at FIBUA Strone Camp looking at SV car
T-AGOS Victorious class Swath-S (Small) Ocean Surveillance Ship
Fake Town - FIBUA Strone Camp
Two Vanguard class nuclear ballistic missile submarines (SSBN)
Rossdhu House
Gourock to Dunoon car ferry