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1 - 100 of 401
Former Balloch Pier Railway Station
Paddle steamer Maid of the Loch
Construction equipment in use
Loch Lomond Aquarium
Loch Lomond Shores
Balloch Castle
Former Balloch Central Railway Station
Loch Lomond Distillery
Early side-lever engine from the Paddle Steamer Leven
Denny Ship Model Experiment Tank
Mysterious dog suicide bridge
Scottish Maritime Museum - Denny Ship Model Experiment Tank branch
Rossdhu House
Strathclyde Homes Stadium
Welcome to Helensburgh - Birthplace of John Logie Baird inventor of television
Dumbarton Castle
Dumbarton Castle
Finlaystone House
Clan Buchanan Chiefs Burial Ground
Buchanan Castle
Newark Castle
Captayannis (Sunken ship)
PS Comet - Europe's first commercially successful steamboat
PS Comet - Europe's first commercially successful steamboat
Ruins of Dunglass Castle with Dunglass House
Abandoned Section of Road
Clan Colquhoun Chiefs Burial Ground
Former drydock
Old Kilpatrick Roman Fort (Antonine Wall)
Scotlands oldest surviving drydock
Ship propeller, anchor and capstan
Victoria Tower
Totem Pole
Sea buoy
Greenock rail accident (6/25/1994)
Soldier in guard tower at FIBUA Strone Camp looking at SV car
Fake Town - FIBUA Strone Camp
Compass rose - Centreholm Roundabout
Duntocher Roman Fort (Antonine Wall)
CalMac Gourock to Dunoon ferry
HMNB Clyde
Trafalgar class nuclear fleet submarine
Swiftsure class nuclear fleet submarine
T-AGOS Victorious class Swath-S (Small) Ocean Surveillance Ship
Two Vanguard class nuclear ballistic missile submarines (SSBN)
Cleddans Roman Fortlet (Antonine Wall)
Remains of the Duchal Moor Railway
Titan Clydebank
Former site of the John Brown & Company shipyard
Castlehill Roman Fort (Antonine Wall)
BMX track
Mugdock Castle (Ruins)
Gourock to Dunoon car ferry
Remains of the Antonine Wall
Glasgow International Airport fire training center
West of Scotland Snowflex Ski & Snowboard Centre
Airplane in flight
Queen Elizabeth Forest Park
Airplane landing in Glasgow
Boeing 757 "Red Nose Day 2007"
Glasgow International Airport (GLA)
2007-06-30 - Car driven into Glasgow International Airport
RNAD Coulport Trident nuclear ballistic missile loading facility
Bearsden Roman Fort and Bathhouse (Antonine Wall)
Cloch Lighthouse
HMS Daring (D32)
Glasgow Rangers Fc training ground
Royal Navy ship in port
HMS Dauntless (D33)
Xscape Breahead
Roman Rampart (Antonine Wall)
Two Royal Navy Type 45 / Daring class destroyers under construction
Roman Rampart (Antonine Wall)
Love Street
Western Ferries
Ardgowan Estate
Royal Naval Armament Depot (RNAD) Coulport
William Wallace's birthplace memorial
Gourock to Dunoon car ferries
Coats Observatory
Paisley Gilmour Street rail accident (4/16/79)
Johnstone Castle
Paisley Abbey
Ikea Glasgow
Summerston Roman Fort (Antonine Wall)
High School of Glasgow (oldest school in Scotland)
Map of Hillington Park
Abandoned Fossilised Crazy Golf Course
Maggie’s Centre Gartnavel by OMA
Inverkip Power Station
Clyde Tunnel
Balmuildy Roman Fort (Antonine Wall)
Stanely Castle
Former Crow Road Railway Station
Carrick Castle
One Devonshire Gardens
Clyde Tunnel