"Old Crow" P-51 Mustang in Belgium

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"Old Crow" P-51 Mustang in Belgium (Birds Eye)
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Pdunn picture
@ 2007-05-27 20:32:14
I'm impressed! You guys are going to have tell me how you tracked down the name on this one! Especially "Old Crow," probably the most famous Mustang still flying.
Pdunn picture
@ 2007-05-27 20:40:14
The photo dda posted looks like it could've been taken on the same day as the Live Local fly-over (minus the rain).
Parabellum picture
@ 2007-05-28 07:34:51
Actually there are two Mustangs painted up as "Old Crow".


Neither one is actually the real deal.
Pdunn picture
@ 2007-12-10 19:00:44
Some neat simulation from the History Channel showing Old Crow's most notorious dogfight: