4th Guards Kantemirovskaya Tank Division

4th Guards Kantemirovskaya Tank Division

Naro-Fominsk, Russian Federation (RU)
The 4th Guards "Kantemirovskaya" Tank Division, more usually known as the Kantemirovskaya Division, is an elite armoured division of the Russian Ground Forces.

They give their support to Eltsin during the costitutional crisis in 1993, the division fought in the first Chechen war
The 4th Guards "Kantemirovskaya" Tank Division, more usually known as the Kantemirovskaya Division, is an elite armoured division of the Russian Ground Forces.

They give their support to Eltsin during the costitutional crisis in 1993, the division fought in the first Chechen war
View in Google Earth Military - Bases
Links: en.wikipedia.org
By: giove



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