C.L.E. Cigar Company

C.L.E. Cigar Company

Miami, Florida (FL), US
The company was born from Christian Luis Eiroa's hobby and love of cigars. He was born in the famous tobacco town of Danli, Honduras and worked at an early age as a third generation tobacco grower.

C.L.E. offers cigar brands: Asylum, C.L.E., Eiroa and Wynwood Hills.
The company was born from Christian Luis Eiroa's hobby and love of cigars. He was born in the famous tobacco town of Danli, Honduras and worked at an early age as a third generation tobacco grower.

C.L.E. offers cigar brands: Asylum, C.L.E., Eiroa and Wynwood Hills.
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Links: clecigars.com
By: tallturtle82

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