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edv picture
@ 2005-08-24 15:04:58
Well, they just updated the pic of JFK airport in NYC, so the Concorde is now GONE!
TexasAndroid picture
@ 2005-08-24 15:30:49
Looks to be still there in Google Maps. Are you using Google Earth to see it? That could be it, as there are definite time differences in many places between GM and GE.
soccer_hawk10 picture
@ 2005-08-28 16:04:39
I am looking at it right now on Google Maps and it's still there :P
edv picture
@ 2005-11-13 13:09:44
Ah yes, Google Earth must have the newer map, not Google Maps.
I wonder why they do not share the same imagery?
I've just submitted pics of the 2 Concordes at Heathrow, which are easily visible in Google Earth, yet Google Maps still shows very low-resolution imagery for Heathrow. Hmmm.
kjfitz picture
@ 2006-01-24 15:57:04
Airplane no longer in image after Google Local database update on January 23, 2006.
