EVL Horní Morava (OKFF-3116)

EVL Horní Morava (OKFF-3116)

Bludov, Czech Republic (CZ)
On Sunday 31st March 2024 at 15:24 UTC, Jacek SQ8IJR, a radio amateur from Poland, made contact with Pavel OK1VEI/P, a radio amateur from the Czech Republic, who was operating from EVL Horní Morava (OKFF-3116), on the 40m amateur radio band. Pavel made a total of 58 contacts while at the reserve.

EVL Horní Morava (OKFF-3116)[Upper Moravia], is a Protected Area covering 9.3726 hectares lying to the north of Brno in the east of the Czech Republic. In 2016 Horn Morava was designated as a Special Area of Conservation under the EU's Habitats Directive and is part of the Natura 2000 network


The Natura 2000 network aims to protect many of Europe's most vulnerable and threatened habitats and species.
On Sunday 31st March 2024 at 15:24 UTC, Jacek SQ8IJR, a radio amateur from Poland, made contact with Pavel OK1VEI/P, a radio amateur from the Czech Republic, who was operating from EVL Horní Morava (OKFF-3116), on the 40m amateur radio band. Pavel made a total of 58 contacts while at the reserve.

EVL Horní Morava (OKFF-3116)[Upper Moravia], is a Protected Area covering 9.3726 hectares lying to the north of Brno in the east of the Czech Republic. In 2016 Horn Morava was designated as a Special Area of Conservation under the EU's Habitats Directive and is part of the Natura 2000 network

The Natura 2000 network aims to protect many of Europe's most vulnerable and threatened habitats and species.
View in Google Earth Parks, Misc, Parks
Links: drusop.nature.cz, www.protectedplanet.net, www.cqgma.org, wwff.co
By: Mike_bjm


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