Jamie Lee Curtis Car Accident (1 Aug 2013)

Jamie Lee Curtis Car Accident (1 Aug 2013)

Los Angeles, California (CA), US
Actress Jamie Lee Curtis was in a car accident the afternoon of 1 August 2012 when the SUV she was a passenger in slammed into a BMW. Curtis was rushed to a nearby hospital, after calling her friend Jodie Foster to meet her at the scene.
Actress Jamie Lee Curtis was in a car accident the afternoon of 1 August 2012 when the SUV she was a passenger in slammed into a BMW. Curtis was rushed to a nearby hospital, after calling her friend Jodie Foster to meet her at the scene.
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Links: www.tmz.com
By: jdubble07



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@ 2013-08-01 19:18:03
SV showing the corner shown in the TMZ photos: http://goo.gl/maps/pKKbx
