Lanivet Cross

Lanivet Cross

Lanivet, United Kingdom (GB)
The Lanivet Cross is located in the churchyard of St.Nivet's Church in the small village of Lanivet in Cornwall.

The cross is a ring headed or four-holed Celtic Cross to the west of the church and is a Scheduled Monument. It is believed to be in its original position and is a rare example of a pre-Norman cross in Cornwall.


The ring arms are decorated with Triquetra Knot, while the side panels are decorated with a tight spiralling plant scroll, a three stranded plait, a plant trail, and figure-of-eight knotwork.
The Lanivet Cross is located in the churchyard of St.Nivet's Church in the small village of Lanivet in Cornwall.

The cross is a ring headed or four-holed Celtic Cross to the west of the church and is a Scheduled Monument. It is believed to be in its original position and is a rare example of a pre-Norman cross in Cornwall.

The ring arms are decorated with Triquetra Knot, while the side panels are decorated with a tight spiralling plant scroll, a three stranded plait, a plant trail, and figure-of-eight knotwork.
View in Google Earth Artwork - Sculpture, Art - Sculpture
By: Mike_bjm


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