Mah-Ann Mendoza

Mah-Ann Mendoza

New York, New York (NY), US
IFBB Pro Mah-Ann Mendoza

Birthdate: September 12, 1960.


Birthplace: Manila, Philippines

Hobbies: Quality time with my special friends

Favorite Colors: Black, Red, Yellow

Best Bodybuilding Experience/memory: My first show and my Arnold 2003 win

Favorite Bodypart to Train: Legs and Back

Least Favorite Bodypart to Train: Biceps

Best Lifts:

BB Deadlifts 400 lbs.

DB Chest press 110 lbs.

BB Squats 495 lbs
IFBB Pro Mah-Ann Mendoza

Birthdate: September 12, 1960.

Birthplace: Manila, Philippines

Hobbies: Quality time with my special friends

Favorite Colors: Black, Red, Yellow

Best Bodybuilding Experience/memory: My first show and my Arnold 2003 win

Favorite Bodypart to Train: Legs and Back

Least Favorite Bodypart to Train: Biceps

Best Lifts:

BB Deadlifts 400 lbs.

DB Chest press 110 lbs.

BB Squats 495 lbs
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