Nature and Landscape complex Uroczysko Buczyna (SPFF-0472)

Nature and Landscape complex Uroczysko Buczyna (SPFF-0472)

Katowice, Poland (PL)
On Wednesday 20th March 2024 at 18:40 UTC, Jurgen ON3UA a radio amateur from Belgium made contact with Mirek SP9MT a radio amateur from Poland who was operating from Nature and Landscape complex Uroczysko Buczyna (SPFF-0472) on the 40m amateur radio band.

Nature and Landscape complex Uroczysko Buczyna (SPFF-0472), is a protected area of 65.32 hectares close to Katowice in Poland. The complex consists of fragments of a natural forest set within a highly industrialised region. It is part of the network of forest protection in the Silesian belt agglomeration.
On Wednesday 20th March 2024 at 18:40 UTC, Jurgen ON3UA a radio amateur from Belgium made contact with Mirek SP9MT a radio amateur from Poland who was operating from Nature and Landscape complex Uroczysko Buczyna (SPFF-0472) on the 40m amateur radio band.

Nature and Landscape complex Uroczysko Buczyna (SPFF-0472), is a protected area of 65.32 hectares close to Katowice in Poland. The complex consists of fragments of a natural forest set within a highly industrialised region. It is part of the network of forest protection in the Silesian belt agglomeration.
View in Google Earth Parks, Misc, Nature - Scenic
By: Mike_bjm



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