The Devil's Tree

The Devil's Tree

Martinsville, New Jersey (NJ), US
This solitary oak is believed to be cursed and there are several legends surrounding the tree. One says the Klu Klux Klan used the tree as its headquarters, another says rebellious slaves were hung from the tree. Yet another claims a farmer hung himself from the tree. There are also reports of the tree and a rock nearby feeling quite warm to the touch and may be a portal to hell. Apparently the tree is also free from snow no matter how much falls in the surrounding area.
This solitary oak is believed to be cursed and there are several legends surrounding the tree. One says the Klu Klux Klan used the tree as its headquarters, another says rebellious slaves were hung from the tree. Yet another claims a farmer hung himself from the tree. There are also reports of the tree and a rock nearby feeling quite warm to the touch and may be a portal to hell. Apparently the tree is also free from snow no matter how much falls in the surrounding area.
View in Google Earth Misc, Unexplained, Nature - Misc
By: tallturtle82



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