Ryan's house from "Wilfred": Pics and Stories

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The location of this map was particularly hard to find. When I first watched the episodes of Wilfred in 2011, I remember searching online for a clue to the show's main filming locations, but all I could find were general references to Venice. I took several stabs at stumbling across it, but so many Venice neighborhoods look alike, and I eventually gave up.

Almost a year later, the FX network began showing reruns of the first season a few weeks before the debut of the second season. Then I saw my lucky clue in one of the early episodes (#3?). A garbage can in the alley behind Ryan's house had an address painted on it (house number and street name). I compared the neighborhood in Street View to scenes from a few episodes to confirm the location.

I recently read that the show's location manager, Briana Burke, won an industry award for her excellent work with the residents of this neighborhood during filming. While I wouldn't blame a fan of the show to swing by here to see the neighborhood in person, I would hope that you do so on your best behavior.