Art Tuesday - Ancient Geoglyphs

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Tuesday, Jun 22 2010 by

A geoglyph is a drawing on the ground, or a large motif, (generally greater than 4 metres) or design produced on the ground, either by arranging clasts (stones, stone fragments, gravel or earth) to create a positive geoglyph (stone arrangement/alignment, petroform, earth mound) or by removing patinated clasts to expose unpatinated ground (negative geoglyph).

Nazca Lines (Google Maps)
Nazca Lines

Nazca Spiral (Google Maps)
Nazca Spiral
Atacama giant (Google Maps)
Atacama giant

Geoglyph on hillside in Mongolia (Google Maps)
Geoglyph on hillside in Mongolia

Geoglifos de Tiliviche (Google Maps)
Geoglifos de Tiliviche

Cerro Pintados - Geoglyphs (Google Maps)
Cerro Pintados - Geoglyphs
Geoglyphs of Chiza (Google Maps)
Geoglyphs of Chiza

455 foot high portrait of Genghis Khan (Google Maps)
455 foot high portrait of Genghis Khan
Pre-Columbian geometric earthworks (geoglyph) (Google Maps)
Pre-Columbian geometric earthworks (geoglyph)

Pre-Columbian geometric earthworks (geoglyph) (Google Maps)
Pre-Columbian geometric earthworks (geoglyph)
