Chichen Itza

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Friday, Oct 19 2012 by

Chichen Itza was a large pre-Columbian city built by the Maya civilization. The archaeological site is located in the municipality of Tinum, in the Mexican state of Yucatán. Chichen Itza was a major focal point in the northern Maya lowlands from the Late Classic (c.600–900 AD) through the Terminal Classic (c.800–900) and into the early portion of the Early Postclassic period (c.900–1200). The site exhibits a multitude of architectural styles, reminiscent of styles seen in central Mexico and of the Puuc and Chenes styles of the northern Maya lowlands.

Temple of Kukulkan (StreetView)
Temple of Kukulkan

Temple of the Tables (StreetView)
Temple of the Tables
The Platform of the Eagles and the Jaguars (StreetView)
The Platform of the Eagles and the Jaguars

Temple of the Bearded Man (StreetView)
Temple of the Bearded Man

Temple of the Warriors (StreetView)
Temple of the Warriors

The Ossario (StreetView)
The Ossario
La Iglesia (The Church) - Chichen Itza (StreetView)
La Iglesia (The Church) - Chichen Itza

Las Monjas ("The Nuns" or "The Nunnery") (StreetView)
Las Monjas ("The Nuns" or "The Nunnery")
"El Caracol" observatory temple (StreetView)
"El Caracol" observatory temple

The Arch Chichen Itza (StreetView)
The Arch Chichen Itza
