Focus Friday - Medieval Italian Towers

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Friday, Jan 7 2011 by

In the 10th through the 14th century teh Italian population greatly expanded and aristocratic communes and the city states they administered became the ruling forces in cities throughout Italy. By the end of the 12th century, competitive rivalries between families started to turn deadly, and by the end of the 12th century it became common to build defensive towers as fortresses and lookout spots as members of the aristocracy retreated into the safety of their clans.

Torre Comentina (StreetView)
Torre Comentina

Torre Troyana (StreetView)
Torre Troyana
Torre del Pegol (Google Maps)
Torre del Pegol

Torre dei Prendiparte (Birds Eye)
Torre dei Prendiparte

Torre Guttuari (StreetView)
Torre Guttuari

Torre Vecchia di Capo Rizzuto (StreetView)
Torre Vecchia di Capo Rizzuto
Torre della Pallata (Birds Eye)
Torre della Pallata

Torre Nuova di Capo Rizzuto (StreetView)
Torre Nuova di Capo Rizzuto
Torre Rossa (StreetView)
Torre Rossa

Torre Vecchia di Punta Alice (StreetView)
Torre Vecchia di Punta Alice
