Ocean Surveillance Ships

Blog Blog

Thursday, Aug 9 2012 by

Ocean surveillance ships have a single mission to gather underwater acoustical data. The T-AGOS ships operate to support the anti-submarine warfare.

USS Able (T-AGOS-20) Swath-S (Small) Ocean Surveillance Ship (Birds Eye)
USS Able (T-AGOS-20) Swath-S (Small) Ocean Surveillance Ship

T-AGOS-23 USNS Impeccable Ocean Surveillance Ship (Google Maps)
T-AGOS-23 USNS Impeccable Ocean Surveillance Ship
USNS Victorious (T-AGOS-19) Ocean Surveillance Ship (Google Maps)
USNS Victorious (T-AGOS-19) Ocean Surveillance Ship

T-AGOS Victorious Class Swath-S (Small) Ocean Surveillance Ship (Google Maps)
T-AGOS Victorious Class Swath-S (Small) Ocean Surveillance Ship
T-AGOS Victorious class Swath-S (Small) Ocean Surveillance Ship (Google Maps)
T-AGOS Victorious class Swath-S (Small) Ocean Surveillance Ship

USS Stalwert (T-AGOS 1) Ocean Surveillance Ship (Birds Eye)
USS Stalwert (T-AGOS 1) Ocean Surveillance Ship
