Homicide of Ming Qu and Ying Wu

Homicide of Ming Qu and Ying Wu

Los Angeles, California (CA), US
The homicide of Ming Qu and Ying Wu occurred on April 11, 2012, when two Chinese graduate students were shot to death after sitting in their BMW parked one mile outside of the University of Southern California campus in Los Angeles. The incident sparked much criticism over the media's portrayal of the two students' display of wealth, after many Chinese news sources criticized the two victims to be irresponsibly showing off their wealth. It as well sparked safety concerns around the campus in South Los Angeles, an area notorious for its history of crime ridden neighborhoods.
The homicide of Ming Qu and Ying Wu occurred on April 11, 2012, when two Chinese graduate students were shot to death after sitting in their BMW parked one mile outside of the University of Southern California campus in Los Angeles. The incident sparked much criticism over the media's portrayal of the two students' display of wealth, after many Chinese news sources criticized the two victims to be irresponsibly showing off their wealth. It as well sparked safety concerns around the campus in South Los Angeles, an area notorious for its history of crime ridden neighborhoods.
View in Google Earth Murder Sites, Safari Submissions
Links: en.wikipedia.org
By: kkeps



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