Replica Manx Millaarium Aurem

Replica Manx Millaarium Aurem

Douglas, United Kingdom (GB)
This is a replica of the of the original last located on a block of yellow sandstone at the west corner of Douglas Harbour Master’s Office although it is believed that stone was originally at the old St. Matthew’s Church.

The original was the Manx equivalent of the Roman Golden Milestone and was the point from which all distances from Rome were calculated. The Manx Millaarium Aurem was the point from which all distances from Douglas were calculated.


The Manx Millaarium Aurem shows that it is:

IX Miles to Castletown

X½ Miles to Peel


XIV½ Miles to Ramsey.
This is a replica of the of the original last located on a block of yellow sandstone at the west corner of Douglas Harbour Master’s Office although it is believed that stone was originally at the old St. Matthew’s Church.

The original was the Manx equivalent of the Roman Golden Milestone and was the point from which all distances from Rome were calculated. The Manx Millaarium Aurem was the point from which all distances from Douglas were calculated.

The Manx Millaarium Aurem shows that it is:

IX Miles to Castletown

X½ Miles to Peel


XIV½ Miles to Ramsey.
View in Google Earth Art - Advertising, Signs, Billboards and Writing
By: Mike_bjm


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