timleary: Comments

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timleary @ 2010-01-25 12:25:42
timleary pictureFormer NSA Naples
The "former" NSA Naples had an even older "former" manifestation which was in Naples rather than Agnano. It was
on the hill overlooking Possillipo on one side, and the Bay of Naples on the other (both were visible from the roof of the hospital). I served in the Naval Hospital there 1962-1964. The NavSuppAct was located on Via Michaelangelo da Caravaggio. The compound, made up of about five high-rise buildings, was down the hill from the hospital. All of the buildings have reverted...
timleary @ 2010-01-25 08:37:02
timleary pictureAllied Forces Southern Europe (AFSOUTH)
Ah, the Flamingo Club... many memories WAY back. I was stationed at NavSuppAct 510 from 1962-64, up on Via Caravaggio, where I worked in the Navy Hospital on Via Manzoni. Weekends at the Flamingo Club were a regular event... the Veal Cannelloni was fabulous. I still have an "Octoberfest" beer mug from the Flamingo Club. One Sunday morning in 1963 I woke up in a stall in the men's room at the club, having spent time talking on the big white phone and then passing out. The club was closed...