Windows Live Local maps/thumbnails

We are now accepting Windows Live Local URLs and thumbnails. New maps can be submitted with Windows Live Local URLs, and anyone can add a Live Local thumbnail to existing maps. Additionally, any updates to either thumbnail are now saved in a public thumbnail archive that you can see for each maps, so we can track what happens over time!

User locations

You may now enter your home location (latitude, longitude) in your Account settings. You can then see what users are online, and where everyone else is in the world!

Google Earth-only submissions allowed

We are now accepting submissions that are only available from Google Earth. Don’t worry — they are clearly marked with the GE globe sign if you don’t or can’t use Google Earth. For others, this allows users to submit much higher resolution maps and thumbnails!

Pics – Download from URL

You can now have Google Globetrotting download Pics from a URL, saving you time if you’ve already put them online. We hope to add more time-saving options soon as well. Share your Pics!