Nearby Maps: 56.0739726 -4.760642: Page 1

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1 - 13 of 13
Map Location Submitted By Rating Views
Soldier in guard tower at FIBUA Strone Camp looking at SV carGarelochhead, GB2010-07-28 10:08:39DaniaUnrated1,0841.7km
Fake Town - FIBUA Strone CampGarelochhead, GB2007-04-16 22:26:47kjfitz10.00 (1 votes)2,0441.7km
Two Vanguard class nuclear ballistic missile submarines (SSBN)Faslane, GB2008-07-06 22:03:14kjfitz1.00 (1 votes)1,2103.8km
T-AGOS Victorious class Swath-S (Small) Ocean Surveillance ShipFaslane, GB2008-07-06 22:08:35kjfitz10.00 (1 votes)1,0613.9km
Swiftsure class nuclear fleet submarineFaslane, GB2008-07-06 22:10:12kjfitz (0 votes)9294.1km
Trafalgar class nuclear fleet submarineFaslane, GB2008-07-06 22:12:29kjfitz (0 votes)7934.2km
HMNB ClydeFaslane, GB2005-08-14 04:32:12faz6.80 (5 votes)2,6404.2km
Welcome to Helensburgh - Birthplace of John Logie Baird inventor of televisionHelensburgh, GB2013-04-22 08:05:12adrbrUnrated6936.8km
RNAD Coulport Trident nuclear ballistic missile loading facilityFaslane, GB2008-07-06 22:16:49kjfitz7.00 (2 votes)2,0617.2km
Rossdhu HouseBalloch, GB2016-02-05 01:52:49finUnrated5047.9km
Clan Colquhoun Chiefs Burial GroundBalloch, GB2017-02-14 11:19:02DrudiiUnrated9788.3km
Royal Naval Armament Depot (RNAD) CoulportDumbarton, GB2005-06-22 19:01:02kjfitz (0 votes)2,0869.4km
Carrick CastleCuilmuich, GB2010-09-14 07:38:25LancelotLinkUnrated8599.8km