Les prairies marneuses du bois de l’étoile (FFF-3484)

Les prairies marneuses du bois de l’étoile (FFF-3484) (StreetView)
On Monday 1st April 2024 at 13:44 UTC, Jürgen ON3UA, a radio amateur from Belgium made contact with Fabien F4GYM/P, a radio amateur from France who was operating from Les prairies marneuses du bois de l’étoile (FFF-3484), on the 40m amateur radio band. Fabien made a total of 175 contacts while at the reserve.

Les prairies marneuses du bois de l’étoile (FFF-3484)[The Marl Meadows of the Bois de l'Étoile] is a Type 1 ZNIEFF Area which covers 3 hectares of limestone grassland in the Ile de France Region of France to the east of central Paris.

ZNIEFF is a scientific list of natural areas which are of interest ecologically for both fauna and flora. A Type 1 area is a homogeneous landscape which is defined by its rare species or habitat types and is an important natural area.
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