Allied Forces Southern Europe (AFSOUTH)

Allied Forces Southern Europe (AFSOUTH) (Google Maps)
Allied Forces Southern Europe (AFSOUTH) (Bing Maps)
The US community in the Naples area includes service people and their families from each branch of the US Armed Forces. The total community population fluctuates around 10,000. The bulk of the US community in the Naples area is Navy, with Air Force personnel second in number, followed by the Army, Marine Corps and Coast Guard. US civilians, Department of Defense or State employees and family members round out the community. Most of the Army and Air Force personnel are assigned to elements of AFSOUTH. The US Army Element of AFSOUTH is located on the AFSOUTH Post. The Element provides personnel support to all US Army personnel assigned to AFSOUTH, including the NATO Communications School in Latina, Italy; LandSouth Headquarters in Verona, Italy; and the Advanced Command Post at Thessalonikia, Greece. In addition, there are two AFSOUTH liaison officers assigned to Ankara, Turkey and Athens, Greece.
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Analogman picture
@ 2005-07-14 16:39:08
This place is one good earthquake away from sliding down the hill into the bay.
Anonymous picture
@ 2006-03-16 09:07:25
where is the FLAMINGO club
Analogman picture
@ 2006-05-06 17:28:41
The Flamingo club is the building east of the main compound and south of the football field (looks like it has a big, white tent in the middle). It's the building with the green pool on the north side.
Anonymous picture
@ 2006-05-17 08:18:14
must be the "new" flamingo club. i seem to remember it being somewhere NW of compound on a hill.
kjfitz picture
@ 2006-05-17 09:37:20
I agree with Analogman. That's where I remember it too.

I also seem to remember that the thin slot between the big main administration buildings (at the north end of the central quad) and the mountain behind them has multiple large tunnels leading back into the mountain.
Anonymous picture
@ 2006-05-18 08:11:23
wish i had a legend of what those buildings were from 1968-71, worked thier but don't remember, especially where were the barracks
Anonymous picture
@ 2006-05-24 06:45:46
the flamingo club in picture used to bo the O club 68-71. Flamingo club was the NCO club and was near the Bowling center area. Officers were mad because gambling was allowed at flamingo(slots,cards etc.) but not at o club. Flamingo club cleaned up when fleet was in.
Analogman picture
@ 2006-06-19 08:20:47
I stand corrected. I was talking recently to a friend who is stationed at AFSOUTH, now called Joint Forces Command - Naples, and the Flamingo Club was, and still is, on the hill above the pool. The building in the SE corner of the facility, with the smaller pool, used to be the Officer's club but is now simply called the international club. It's used for all manner of functions. The Flamingo Club is still there but isn't used much any more. There is the occasional conference there, and the NATO band sometimes uses the building for practice, but as a club it's pretty much defunct.
Anonymous picture
@ 2007-01-01 16:06:34
I served on the ComSubFlot8 staff from 1969 to 1971. I helped run the Submarine Fleet Broadcast which was a secure space located in the U.S. Navy Communications Station which was located in the southern most building on the the east side of the "Quad". ComSubFlot 8 was located in the north most building on the west side of the quad. The barracks was the big "u" shaped building just east of the big pool (only the south wing was in use), the Flamingo Club was just up the hill from the Barracks. One of those building betweent he barracks and the Quad housed a movie theater.
There were several retail shops from the various NATO countries located in the southern most building on the west side of the quad. The tunnels mentioned earlier were used for storage and also housed an emergency communications station. We used to test it on occasion. The south wing of thge southern most building on the east side of the Quad housed the galley. They made a mean grilled ham and cheese sandwich! To get into the "back room" of our Broadcast space you had to have a Top Secret, Atomal, Crypto security clearance. Submarine service was about the last to use manually encrypted radio traffic. Once decryped a message from King Hussein of Jordan (via our embassy)addressed to the president of the Untied States while a 4 star Admiral stood over my shoulder!
Parabellum picture
@ 2007-01-04 16:11:21
Have you guys taken a look at this site in LL? It looks like a jungle just sprung up in the middle of Naples.
kjfitz picture
@ 2007-01-04 16:20:40
That's amazing. And more than a bit scary really. I shrugged off all the censorship up until now but the quality of this type of this censorship is very good.
dda picture
@ 2007-01-04 16:46:28
I think that they have read my advise on this post :
But they forgot to call me... :)
Anonymous picture
@ 2007-01-18 11:22:22
what is LL
kjfitz picture
@ 2007-01-18 11:42:21
LL is Live Local (Microsoft's version of Google Maps (GM). Just click on the "Live Local" under the middle thumbnail image above.
Anonymous picture
@ 2007-02-28 09:18:21
Does anybody remember the name of the 2 bars outside the main gate?
Anonymous picture
@ 2008-03-02 18:02:35
Wow.. I know it's been a couple of years since the last post. I was in the NAVCAMSMED bldg on AFSOUTH in 82-83. I was an ET. Went through a couple of earthquakes.. scary to see the big chunks of missing plaster showing the rebar. I did have a lot of great times there though. I remember the pizza joint outside the gate.. where we'd run to and bring back dinner.
Anonymous picture
@ 2008-10-24 18:19:43
Hi Guys,
Referring to your memories of 'The Flamingo Club'...correct it was on the hill. I should know because I worked as a girl vocalist/guitarist with a resident band for Mecca International in 1975. Anyone remember Angus the MD/keyboard player? Those were brilliant days & I had an absolute blast!
Great to read your memories. Sandie (still gigging in the UK)
Anonymous picture
@ 2009-10-26 11:05:21
I was stationed at AFSOUTH from Jan 1970 to Dec 1972. I worked in what was called Tunnel 4. It housed a comm. center and support staff (maintenance, etc.). While I was there, the maltese govt kicked NATO out and the command and staff from there moved to Naples. For a while, the comm. staff shared space with us in Tunnel 4.

Too bad about the Flamingo Club. Some very good entertainment came through there whuile I was there including the British band "Freddie and the Dreamers".

Jerry Scannell
Anonymous picture
@ 2009-10-26 11:08:52
To the person who worked at ComSubFlot8 --- do you remember Larry Buss and Mike Paulsrud?? They were very good friends of mine. We lived in the same apartment complex out by Carney Park...
Anonymous picture
@ 2009-11-23 06:29:09
I served my 2 years National Service at Afsouth Naples from 1955 - 1957 with the Royal Army Service Corps., together with about a dozen or more UK personnel (AirForce, Navy,Army).
It was a great joy to be there as I was due to be posted to Germany but it was changed at the last moment....phew what luck!
I remember the Flamingo Club very well on the top of the hill and have seen many a good man being carried out feet first on a Saturday night back to his barracks......good job it was all downhill.
I remember the 'poor man's morning' on a Sunday when all of the beer was free there.
There was a small cinema on the base which also acted as a Theatre and I joined the theatrical group as a scenery/lighting technician (didn't know much about that as I was only 18 yrs of age!) but had a great time,
I have a wonderful rather large certificate on my wall which shows my service there signed by all of my buddies from the USA, Italy etc and is certified by Colonel W M Edwards, USA.
my pride and joy.
Wonderful memories
timleary picture
@ 2010-01-25 08:37:02
Ah, the Flamingo Club... many memories WAY back. I was stationed at NavSuppAct 510 from 1962-64, up on Via Caravaggio, where I worked in the Navy Hospital on Via Manzoni. Weekends at the Flamingo Club were a regular event... the Veal Cannelloni was fabulous. I still have an "Octoberfest" beer mug from the Flamingo Club. One Sunday morning in 1963 I woke up in a stall in the men's room at the club, having spent time talking on the big white phone and then passing out. The club was closed and locked up tight, and I was powerfully hung over. The Navy hospital on Via Manzoni served the U.S. forces people from AFSouth, and their families. It was replaced shortly after I left in 1964 with a new hospital closer to AFSouth, which in turn has been replaced by the present hospital somewhere out of town. If anyone remembers that old hospital, it is easily viewed on Google maps at this URL: (it is now an apartment house):,14.211873&cbp=12,249.76,,0,-5.95&ved=0CB8Q2wU&ei=cMVdS73-OIeuNbrtmaQJ&ie=UTF8&ll=40.832585,14.211873&spn=0,303.486328&z=4&panoid=qyUBlcOYudsHLIH1F0zidA
kjfitz picture
@ 2010-01-25 08:50:08
The old Naples hospital had become Forest Sherman Elementary School for NATo kids by the late 60s. I remember my 3rd grade class had a million dollar view of the bay out my window.
Anonymous picture
@ 2010-04-05 19:48:46
I worked in BCA(Broadcast Control Authority)at Comsubflot 8 from 1969 to 1971/a couple of guys I worked with--Tom Davis, Mike Bond,Courtney(from NYC)/Dave from Dallas-any of you ex-flot8ers remember them?

Jerry Ashburn(from Little Rock, Ark)
wkmiller picture
@ 2010-04-27 23:56:21
I too, worked at BCA from 1963-1966. Don't recognize any of those names mentioned in your blog.. I still live in Bella Napoli!
Wylie Miller
alan picture
@ 2010-07-14 18:44:56
i was stationed at marine barracks, naples from 1971 to 1972. i was just watching ghost hunters international and it reminded that i knew and stood guard duty at a very haunted building at afsouth. naples. does anyone remember these buildings being haunted like i do, or was it just my imagination?
Anonymous picture
@ 2010-09-08 06:47:30
I was also at HQ AIRSOUTH 1970 -1972 and remember the Flamingo Club well, also the Brit. Room where we met up for lunch!?! We also sponsored the RN chaps kicked out of Malta.
Anonymous picture
@ 2011-03-25 12:04:38
I was stationed at AFSOUTH from 68-72. Worked as a Security Policeman with the Carabinere in Bldg L. The Flamingo Club was, as has been stated, on the hill close to the bowling alley. While there, I was in charge of the vehicle registration section with a Carabinere named Mario. As such, I used the comm tunnel and a key punch machine to mechanize all vehicle registration records. Great time in Naples but don't remember any significant earth quakes. A road in Pozzouli opened up on one occasion.
Anonymous picture
@ 2011-06-27 21:43:01
I was a cryptograher in the tunnel 1959-1861). AFSOUTH and my duty there(U.S. Army) remains one of my fondest memories of all time...I am 72 years old now! Anyone remember Humpty Dumpty? Ciao for now. Chuck Cochran V6NhKT
Anonymous picture
@ 2011-07-29 09:21:42
I was stationed at Afsouth 1971-74 and worked in tunnel 4 before being sent to Proto, the underground war hdqtrs in the mtns North of Naples. As a 21 year old with an apartment in Arco Felice, a little Fiat 24 spider, and golf with my buddies at Carney Park, and drinks at the Flamingo Club, I remember being happy as a clam. That's when Naples was okay, been back since and its awful now. Gangs, crime etc. Shame cause it really is a beautiful spot in the Med.

Anonymous picture
@ 2011-08-09 21:10:43
correction to 06 27 11, I was at AFSOUTH 1959-1961. One of the bars outside the gate was diMartinos owned by a deportee from the states, Papa we called him...he had a good looking daughter named Lucy who liked to go to the Flamingo with her whole family if she could be invited by a GI! Those were the days!
Anonymous picture
@ 2011-09-09 17:22:25
Can anyone shed some light on a 21mm round brass token that reads the same on both sides:

Was it used in the Naples Flamingo Club? If you can recall when and how it was used, I'd appreciate hearing from you. Offline if you'd like - tokens at gmail dot com
Anonymous picture
@ 2011-10-05 11:55:18
I worked in JLO (Joint Liaison Office) Bldg Q (looking at the square. Q was the one just up from front gate. Head shed is the big one at back. L was the one with all the shops/post office/small PX...ETC.. I was there from 1962-1966 and again 1968-1071. A lot of memories. I recall the Hosp on Manzoni, HS on Manzoni, New Hosp (my Daughter born there) how about the roof garden at the commissary? and that Dika-Dika waiter at the flamingo club... I loved the cannalloni.. Any one else beesides me got a 8x10" of humpty signed with hurry back .... love and kisses!!! One of my most cherished possessions.. bless her little heart!! LOLOL
Socroties picture
@ 2011-10-05 12:25:14
I wrote the entry above -- I'm the JLO guy. anyone recall the big Black MC at Flamingo name Willi -- Wolly bulley!!! drove a gold color Cutlass Sup? I sold him that car. Big names at club. Louie Armstrong, Red Sovine, couple others I saw. What great place and memories... I even remember my house address.. 143 Via Caravaggio....
camarigg picture
@ 2011-10-08 20:48:47
We were in Naples, Italy 1969-1972. Cam was at COMFAIRMED by the commissary. Ardie(wife) was the RN Director of the NATO Base Nursery on AFSOUTH (Day Care). Those were really some good times and we loved the Flamingo Club. We knew Willie and his wife Idessa who was part of my nursery staff. Great people and many memories. Halloween was always a big fun affair at the club, too. We are retired in AZ now and loving our life. Mr C has a nice job at Luke AFB with the Exchange and Ardie totally retired from nursing after 50 years! We too have a Humpty Dumpty plague, but not sure she is still in this world.z???
We lived in a villa out in Via Fusaro near the Med sea. About 10 years ago, several from the COMFAIRMED
Staff had a reunion in Manhatton and one of our dining experiences was in Little Italy area. Probably 25 of us attended and had great time. This is a nice web site. Our friend Ed Woody sent it to us recently. An added note about all that alabaster and Murano glass we brought back. Very valuable if you still have it.
Thanks for letting us share. ARDIE & DON (CAM) USN Retired
Anonymous picture
@ 2011-11-21 12:40:00
The 5 cent token was for the nickel slot machines in the stag bar at the Flamingo Club...lost lots of them! Chuck, AFSOUTH 1959-1961.
Anonymous picture
@ 2011-12-01 11:49:57
Is the JLO still in operation in Bldg Q or anywhere else on the base?

How about 'pinburgers" at the bowling alley? A game of "horsecollar" in the Enlisted Club? Ham steaks and a carafe of vino at the Flamingo Club? Singapore Slings? Meatloaf with a full egg in the middle at the cafeteria in Bldg Q? San Franciso bar downtown?
Anonymous picture
@ 2012-01-10 18:34:14
PeteL picture
@ 2012-02-20 13:09:38
Stationed at AFSOUTH 1970 to 1971. Worked in Intel Div. Lot of 10 cent beers/pizza at Flamingo. Remember Bill Smith, Brookie, Sam N., Ron Palmer, Sid Puter. Back and forth trips to Rome a lot.
Great experience and time. Lived on the bay in Lucrino. Tough duty.
Anonymous picture
@ 2012-04-13 13:56:37
I just discovered this website. It sure brings back the memories! I was scanning some old slides from when my family lived in Naples, '68-70. Attended Forrest Sherman Elementary (3rd-5th grades), and was a patient in the "new" (curved) Navy hospital. The Flamingo Club used to have family parties on weekend mornings. Does anybody remember what days or how often? It always started with kids dancing in front of the stage while a band played, then kids bingo where they spread out a bunch of games & toys by the stage and each winner got to go up and pick his/her own prize. Then adult bingo where players had to buy a paper punch-out card and fill in the entire card to win a stereo or some other big prize. Then a buffet lunch (maybe the buffet came before the adult bingo, I forget).

Also, my father (Navy HMC) worked at a NAS somewhere north of Carney Park, but I can't find it on Google Earth. I remember it was about a 40 minute drive north of our apartment in Baia (just west of Pozzuoli) and included a drive along the straight "4-laner" and through "Red Square" which was a round-about that had an obelisk in the middle topped by a star. My mother told me about a geological void that opened under the base's runway, which took big bucks to fill in with concrete. Can anyone tell me where to find this base, or what might have become of it? Thanks!
kjfitz picture
@ 2012-04-13 15:19:27
We would have attended Forrest Sherman Elementary at the same time. I was in 3rd grade at FSE in 69, the last year it was still at the former big white hospital building in Naples overlooking the bay before moving over to the 'horseshoe' at NSA. I remember the parties and bingo over at the Flamingo Club. My dad was a weatherman at the Naval Air Station too but it was on the southern edge of the Naples International Airport on the East side of Naples, not north.
Anonymous picture
@ 2012-05-14 07:14:22
Anonymous picture
@ 2012-07-08 15:42:05
To anonymous posting from 2012-04-13; I think you mean your Dad was at NSA. Out the Afsouth main gate to the next road take a left and go up the hill towards the san germono motel, keep going straight past humpty-is she still there-dumpty, then down the hill to NSA. I was there with my family 1968-1972. John Fedele
Anonymous picture
@ 2012-07-15 10:29:47
I was stationed at Afsouth Post (Depcomstrikforsouth) from 6/1960 to 6/1962 and was a mwmber of the 1862 Cincusnaveur championship basketball team and would like to visit the post, with my son, sometime later this year. What procedures do I need to follow to get permission to be on the post?
Marty Mooney RM3
Anonymous picture
@ 2012-07-15 14:38:34
Oops. Just reread my comment above and noticed the 1862 date which should read 1962. The Flamingo Club was at the top of the hill from the enlisted men's barracks. Also on that hill was the pitch and putt golf course. There was no swimming pool. The bowling alleys were established during my time on Afsouth post and was managed by a very pleasant young Italian fellow named Tony. Wish I knew his last name.
Jemser007 picture
@ 2012-08-08 07:02:20
I was in a Band called Pandoras Box and played in the Flamingo Club during the 70,s and have fond memories of the club the people and the smell. Great times
Anonymous picture
@ 2012-08-14 11:55:15
Served as a E-6 Radioman 1968-1971 in Tunnel 4 with Cincsouth communications. Lived in Parco San Paolo near the stadium in a new group of high-rise apartments. Enjoyed eating in the Italian Mess Hall and pizza and strong coffee in Building L. Participated in Proto excercises every year. Kids loved Carney Park and I was a member of the CCC fast pitch soft ball team as a catcher catching for a semi-pro civilian defense worker unil I injured my arm sliding into base. Kids loved Edenlandia.
Stayed in the Domintiana when we arrived and can't remember the hotel when we left.
Brought over a 67 Rambler Rebel left it there when we transferred out. Though my wife and I smoked at that time, we had ration coupons left over to swap for gas. My wife became pregnant shortly after we arrived, but went on many base sponsored trips to Pompei, Rome, Amalfi , the islands and much more. Brought over two girls who went to the grammar school on base ane left with another newborn girl. Many more good and some not so good memories but mostly good! Gil
yooper1 picture
@ 2012-09-20 21:44:13
i remember being stationed there at the motor pool in 82-late 83. lived in the barracks in pozzouli. i don't remember seeing humpty dumpty, but almost got picked up as a working girl for walking down the wrong side of the street. cars would stop and swing their doors open! walking from
afsouth to nsa! omg! who knew. wild times. I remember edenlandia and going on the roller coaster and having to duck your head at a certain point or possibly suffer a skull fracture. got married there, stupidly,my request chit was denied, believe that, all i can say, i should have listened! i was 19! admiral crowe was our cic. cool to see him on an episode of cheers later when he was joint chief of staff. really nice man, actually.
yooper1 picture
@ 2012-09-20 21:47:46
ate a lot of grease at the flamingo club! but at the theater at AFSOUTH you could get a chili dog and a pale ale for around four bucks and go watch a movie. cool!

Anonymous picture
@ 2012-11-07 20:01:39
I really enjoy all the comments . I lived on AFSOUTH (Bldg "D") '65 - '67, truely that place was the best of my life and I have been alot of places. Golf course out the side door, Flamingo Club up the steep steps, fabulous view, great outdoor movies in summer (like "From Russia with Love") , stag nites about once a month with boxing and excellent strippers, the slots, the people. Excellent bands, one-from England- was so good they hired on to play all summer in 1965. Bldg "L" with its shops and expresso bar and the two guys that worked there for about 35 years (everyday) making the best Cuppucino anywhere. The black market on cigarettes (Marlboro/Winston) and gas-coupons . AFSOUTH beach in Licola. I worked out at the receiver site in Lago D' Patria. Drove a Baby Blue 1964 Triumph Herald Convertable. Traveling up Hwy.'7', known as Via went all the way to Roma. Was there when the NEW hospital was opened near NSA when the Via Manzoni hospital closed. The ever present 'Humpty Dumpty' and the smell of Sulfatara when the wind was just right. Damn, what a place, what a time ... hoped it would never end.
Anonymous picture
@ 2013-02-24 07:58:33
I was stationed at AFSOUTH from 59 to 62. I was married on the base in Jan 62 and we had a son who was born at the NSA Hospital. I played in a band called the LITTLE DOGGIES. We played at the Flamingo Club and downtown at the Blue Bird. Worked out of the basement of Building L and we lived in Bagnoli.
Anonymous picture
@ 2013-03-03 10:39:19
My dad was stationed there with the US Army in 1963-1966. He used to pitch in the fast pitch softball league at NSA field. I remember watching movies outside, and eating at the cafateria when my mom didn't want to cook for us. I have great memories of going to school and living with the Italians in an apartment building. My brothers and I spoke perfect Italian by the time we left, and the shore patrol visited my parents several times due to our little mischief...
Anonymous picture
@ 2013-03-28 14:54:16
Does anyone remember where the us military rec field was at? Played some awesome fast pitch softball there from 1964-1967
Anonymous picture
@ 2013-04-08 16:22:31
carney park
Anonymous picture
@ 2013-05-19 15:07:37
Flamingo Club! Thanks for memories....1969-71 here. Paul and Paula Band, many others. The house band
duo downstairs was "Italo and Erasmo" piano and drums, very popular. I lived in a group house in Licola and
took the bus to Proto. Hard to find info about Proto on the web but I had heard that it was built by Kesselring
during WWII and eventually used by Nato.
JimmyB picture
@ 2013-05-21 11:50:01
My heavens, what a stroll down memory lane. Like so many of you, my time spent at AFSOUTH from 1972-1974 was one of my fondest memories in the Air Force. Working with the International Police (SPs) I met so many good friends and came to truly appreciate Naples. I had an apartment in Parco Azurro, had an Alfa Romero and tried my best to consume as much pasta as I could hold, drink as much wine as I could handle and see every part of Naples possible. It was without a experience of a lifetime and treasure the memories of those days long gone, but never forgotten.
Anonymous picture
@ 2013-06-17 14:55:49
I read a book called "stand by to Fall out" that was written by a Marine who spoke about building's #11 and #12 - Carabinari still won't go past the 2nd floor in the time the book was referencing... that upside down ax still carries ghosts
Anonymous picture
@ 2013-08-03 05:48:12
I was introduced to the Flamingo by a friend in 1975, a lot of good memories dancing, laughing and getting to know many cute American boys :). Memories of sneaking in the base :) to attend a dance or Bingo. Remember a Sicilian Carabinieri at the door, that hated Italian girls becoming involved with Americans, and always trying to make us go on a date with him. :) Remember a band lead by John (singer) cannot remember his last name, but loved the music. Good way to learn English for a young Italian girl, met my best friend there Rita and we live now in the same State in USA.
Franco picture
@ 2013-08-15 18:15:24
I was stationed at the receiver site 8/66-8-68. We spend most summers in Lago Patria. Everything that was Bagnoli is now at Lago Patria.
I have a yahoo group. Named. "receiversite" where I have photos of the new headquarters.

Franco picture
@ 2013-08-15 18:38:45
Here is a link to a lot more pictures of the old base and area around Naples. Also one of "Humpty Dumpty" but she ain't the same one that was there in 66-68.
Anonymous picture
@ 2013-08-23 08:19:01
I was stationed there from June 1979 to June 1982, loved Carney Park, Flamingo Club. Spent a lot of time at the club. Worked for the Provost Marshall, in Building L. Lived in the barracks, played softball for Air Force 1 team, we won a championship. My boss was Alexander Grundzenski, good man. I use to hang out with Linda Carter, she was in the Navy, Tom Noel played softball with, I also bowled a lot at the lanes on base.
Anonymous picture
@ 2013-08-30 15:13:36
Any one work in Proto?
Anonymous picture
@ 2013-09-01 10:38:12
Several people, including myself, have posted about working there. Enter PROTO in the search box at the top of this page for a link to that page.
Anonymous picture
@ 2013-09-09 04:00:40
Hello guys.. magic Naples..!!

but who working at proto..?!? underground HQ..??!

Anonymous picture
@ 2013-09-18 07:20:34
Does anyone recall the name of the 4 Star Admiral who was Commander AFSOUTH from 1965-1967? The second most senior US officer was V/Adm Isaac Kidd, Jr.
Anonymous picture
@ 2013-09-18 18:36:44
How about ADM Charles D. Griffin 1965-1968?
Anonymous picture
@ 2013-09-19 07:38:10
That's it; you're AWESOME!!!!!!! Thank you very very much!!! :-)
Anonymous picture
@ 2013-10-29 14:16:41
We were stationed on a ship in Naples in 1972 and went to the Flamingo Club often. It was wonderful. Had a special friend, Tony Bucci, was bartended. He was a little older than us so he would be about 75 now. Does anyone know him and what happened to him since then?
magic2727 picture
@ 2013-11-07 17:01:35
Stationed at AFSOUTH from Nov '58 to Sep '61, in tunnel #4, teletype maintenance. Lived in Bagnoli, then made ET3, moved out to Arco Felice! SFC Jack Menke was the boss.

Returned to Naples after Vietnam, in '71 as Port Services Officer, office was on the downtown fleet landing huge pier, where cruise ships come in now. Played a lot of fast pitch softball at Carney Park. Back to States in '72.

Humpty Dumpty, the Campfire Girls, DiMartino's Bar & the Hippodrome in Bagnoli......aaaah, the memories.

Took my wife there last month. Flew space-A to Capo, visited AFSOUTH first, it was totally abandoned!!!!!!!!! Moved to a huge, gleaming new place at Lago Patria. Wife & I wandered the old AFSOUTH, walked in and out of most all bldgs., including the barracks, bldg. L, the theater. A caretaker/security guard told me they plan to bulldoze the whole place soon! Tunnels seem intact, but completely locked down. Many friends, some I am still in contact with, from there. Jehlik, Birdzell, Peedee, Pete Athearn....many are gone now! Questions/comments, write me at

Retired in 1980, live in Harrisonburg, VA now...the quiet life.
BillRobinson picture
@ 2014-01-20 10:05:37
No messages since I last posted in Nov 7, '13.
In '58-'61 time frame I had a friend in TTY maintenance, RM2 William G. Taylor, USN. He was from TX. Lost him and would love to reconnect. Anyone knowing where he went after 1961, please let me know at I am in contact with some guys. If you're looking, let me know.
Anonymous picture
@ 2014-01-21 20:15:09
I posted a while back about Paul and Paula band at Flamingo club and having worked at proto. Proto is now declassifed and if you google
"nato proto" you will find many photos that in some cases link you to larger
collections of inside proto. I never thought I'd see it again, fascinating stuff!
Anonymous picture
@ 2014-02-24 13:26:11
My dad was stationed at the AF South Command Bldg 1972-1976. I attended all four years of HS at Forrest Sherman HS. Very fond memories. Many of us have reconnected on Face Book and have a FSHS page. I live in the Seattle area now and would love to connect or have dinner with a group of people to share our Naples memories. Carey Tibbetts on FB. One of the Admirals my dad worked for was Stansfield Turner, who later went on to run the CIA and has published several books, if you're interested in military/ CIA history.
Anonymous picture
@ 2014-03-12 19:52:37
Trying to remember where my Coastie dad worked in Naples... My school was right next door and there was the constant smell of sulphur at school!there was also a hotel we lived in across the street before we found housing. anyone know what i am referring to?
kjfitz picture
@ 2014-03-13 01:50:27
@ 2014-03-12 19:52:37

Your dad was probably stationed here:,14.155288,190m/data=!3m1!1e3?hl=en
kjfitz picture
@ 2014-03-13 01:55:34
The smell of sulfer was from Sulfatara volcano a few miles to the west. The old American Hotel was across the street and a few hundred feet to the East. Forrest Sherman Elementary School.
Anonymous picture
@ 2014-10-31 10:56:09
Stationed AFSOUTH 1963-1965. RM2 worked in Tunnel Four. Married Italian National. Spent time near Via Manzone, Via Carravagio. Before marriage, frequented couple of local dive bars in Bagnoli (Black and White, Texas Bar).Lived in a flat on the fourth floor (Via Nuova Agnano). Wife's relatives in Capua. She is now deceased. Bought car from manager of Flamingo.

Anonymous picture
@ 2014-10-31 11:42:37
As a navy communicator working in tunnel four, I remember a few names.
Chief Buntrock, Chief Hammel, Jack Milewski, LT COL Lietchski, Sargeant Cippoletti. Many others who also attended my wedding reception near the base. 1965
Anonymous picture
@ 2014-11-21 10:02:58
Great days, was stationed at COMSTRIKFORSOUTH 63-64. Transferred there pretty much right after the Cuban Crisis where I had a birds eye view of events. I also recall having coffe with several buddies in the dining room beneath our barracks when we heard the news that President Kennedy was assassinated. We were there when he had visited Naples and his motorcade through the city was stalled by the crowds of people who came out to see him as he passed through the city. We all thought that we might be going to war that day. I remember many events and time spent at the Flamingo Club; the NATO Rod and Gun Club; visiting satellite locations on exercises in Italy and Turkey, time spent as a 'tourist' visiting museums in and around Naples like Capo Damonte, the Museo De Natzionale and Rome and throughout Italy. Visiting the many beaches nearby and many of the people who welcomed me into their homes. I made many acquaintences among the local population while I was there and was able to speak Italian pretty proficiently after a while (so I was told). (Addesso, Io non recordo molto...) :( Camping on the beach on Ischia and skin diving there; Capri, the Blue Grotto; downtown Naples and the Seaman's Club where there were some great musicians also. Many of the things mentioned in other posts bring back some great memories. I will always be grateful to Uncle Sam for the time I had in Naples. We had a great Crew there and I have kept in touch with one of the buddies I was stationed there with for over 50 years now.
Anonymous picture
@ 2014-12-03 11:43:56
Just a quick question. In the picture of AFSOUTH, I can identify the Flamingo Club and the entrance to Tunnel 4 where I worked. But, I can't figure out which building housed the audio club. We spent so much time there buying the latest stereo equipment, making use of the recording studio.

The Flamingo Club was a very awesome place, too. I remember a rooftop place with an awesome view of the bay, but the club has a rounded roof so I wonder where the rooftop place was? had to be another building there. Anybody remember?

Some people mentioned Humpty Dumpty and the Campfire Girls. Wow what a trip down memory lane -- 45 years later!

Jerry Scannell
Anonymous picture
@ 2014-12-12 21:15:58
As Marine, I was stationed in Bagnoli at the Hotel Tricarico in 1957. After a year or so we were moved into the new barracks. Reading all the comments brought back a lot of memories. I do remember the Flamingo Club up the hill. I also spent many an off duty night in and around Bagnoli & Naples. Some of the places were the San Francisco club, the Snake Pit, the Red Lantern, etc., etc. One Italian guy I came to know was a dwarf named Sammy at the San Francisco club. One night at the San Francisco club, Sammy comes up to the bar and tells me he wants me to meet someone. He leads me across the dance floor to a corner table where three Italian guys were seated. He says to the guy seated in the middle, " Charlie, this kid's a Marine from New Jersey ." Who was Charlie? "Lucky" Luciano. Who I found out later owned the San Francisco club. Some memory. To all the guys I served with in Italy 1957-59, and the fellow servicemen who submitted comments, I wish you all the very best.
Anonymous picture
@ 2015-01-21 09:01:38
Nice to read your AFSOUTH souvenirs, where I spent many years as ACOS OPS and DCOS (1980 to 1986): Adm Shear, Crowe, Small, Moreau. My best souvenirs. L. Lombardi ITA
Anonymous picture
@ 2015-01-28 09:14:11
I was stationed at AFSOUTH from 1970-1973 and am returning to Naples next year. Is it still possible for an American civilian to gain entrance to the base? I know in this day and age it might not be possible.
Anonymous picture
@ 2015-01-28 09:21:05
oops, I had no idea it had been abandoned, geesh.........well I wonder if there are any buildings left there.......kind of sad
Anonymous picture
@ 2015-01-30 17:53:26
Just found this web site and reading some of the remarks is really amazing. I was stationed at AFSOUTH at COMSUBFLOT8 which then got changed to COMSUBGRU8. Was stationed there from 1972 thru 74. Reading some of the things here does bring back many memories.
Anonymous picture
@ 2015-02-19 16:31:03
I was stationed at AFSOUTH from 69 to 72, and worked at PROTO most of the time. Lived in a villa up the coast with two other guys, had a Fiat 124 and wine delivered weekly. What a life! Was a Fixed Station Controller located between TARE (IBM 360 running traffic) and Crypto. Navy ran the mess hall and food was great. Still have my "Order of the Mole" certificate hanging on the wall. Certainly a great alternative to Vietnam!
paolo picture
@ 2015-03-02 23:44:53
Hi all, I'm Paolo, I write from Arco Felice, near Pozzuoli, Licola and Naples, where I live with my wife.
At the end of 70's me and my family spent many week end at Flamingo Club (the Civilian Manager was Mr. Albino Iurassi, a great Gentleman!), playng Bingo, on winter, and at the beautiful swimming pool on summer: the smell of american foods stay in my memory: what french fries, what hot dog..!!
The beloved Dad of my wife, M.llo RENATO GHINELLI, dead on 1985, work at the Naval Communication Station of Afsouth from 1961 to 1973: if someone of you remember him, or have some pics, please write me.
Anonymous picture
@ 2015-03-03 01:13:56
Hi Paolo, I am sorry to hear about the death of you father in law.I was a member of a band called Pandoras Box who played many times at the Flamingo Club in the 70's and most probably would have met him . Unfortunately I don't have many photos of that time, I was too busy enjoying myself. We stayed in the Complesso Turistico Averno in Pozzuoli and went to Arco Felice many times. I think the Damiani brothers owned the Averno.
I hope you find what you are looking for. Also if anyone else who reads this male have photos of the band I would love to see some.
Ciao Paolo, Spero che troverete quello che vi serve. Audio per ora .Jim Dibdin
paolo picture
@ 2015-03-03 11:11:16
-for Jim Dibdin -
Dear Jim, thank you very much for your answer;
think that I've known my ife just at the "DAMIANI"!
I hope that these places have left sweet memories in your heart!
I wish you much serenity, and I send you my greetings.
Anonymous picture
@ 2015-04-02 22:44:17
I was stationed at afsouth 1965-1966 lived in building "D" fourth floor worked in tunnel "4" teletype center, had a great time there,spent time at cripto school in FT GORDAN GA. Any one remember Regotti, Pacuitt, Hiensel, Mandu ??
Anonymous picture
@ 2015-04-11 11:58:32
My father was stationed at AFSOUTH from 1975 to 1979 with the RAF. I finished College in the UK in 1976, moved out to live in Lago di Patria, Naples and got a job with an American called Jack Menke, who had the franchise to sell pictures in the Navy Exchange and on the visiting ships (great fun!) plus the rest of the US bases in Italy, which was my job. I loved living and working in Naples and remember Pandoras Box (Jim Dibdin) very well. Have never been back but saw an article today, which brought back the wonderful memories of the fun and have to say lawlessness of the city at that time.
Anonymous picture
@ 2015-04-14 10:37:30
I LOVE this website; brings back such wonderful memories. My husband worked in Budget/Finance at AFSOUTH and we lived in Pozzuoli. The assignment was three years; we extended twice and were there five years. He retired in Naples and what a farewell he had! The entire post population was invited...and they all attended. We went back several times to visit. I am happy to have found this website; it brings back such excellent memories. Domenica
Anonymous picture
@ 2015-05-10 10:04:18
Stationed there from 1978 to 1981. Worked in the Personnel and Admin Section (PANDA) in the U shaped building to the right and below the headquarters building (as you are facing the headquarters). Very interesting place to work.
kjfitz picture
@ 2015-05-26 15:26:36
1969-1973... I remember going to the big pool on AFSOUTH and listening to Niel Young and America on the PA system, the snack bar in the basement of the NSA building, the anticipation of Toyland opening every year, those big tourist buses they used for school buses, the Boy Scout troop on AFSOUTH, the big playground next to the school, and going to the matinee movies at AFSOUTH before heading up the hill to bowl on the junior bowling leagues.
Anonymous picture
@ 2015-06-05 17:26:26
Hope every one knows that YES the flamingo was on the hill, BUT it burnt to the ground in 1987? never rebuilt. I was stationed there in 1980-1994 @ naval Communications Master Station Mediterranean, we occupied 1/2 of building Q the 1st building to the right of the gate, p the stairs. The duty free shops were in building L the back left building on the quad. With the exception to tonys hardware in the basement of the building next door under the Italian army's headquarters. The entire base has been closed and turned over to the city of bangoli, NATO is now in lago patria next to Navcans SatComRelay center. NSA angano was closed in the late 90's 96/97 ? and moved north of NSA capo, to a new 1.5 billion dollar state of the art base. The Navy towers in villago copola ir pine tamari were imploded in the early 2000's as not all us military now live on base at the new base north of capo, that is unless you are stationed @ SatCom or JCH NATO. Much much has changed ver the years. Naples now has a population of over 1 million people, they have built a new state of the art eubway system, a new tange, new busses, trollies and trains. As well as several multi story building down town naples. I have lived in the area full time as a civilian since 199. LOVE it would live NO where else.
Anonymous picture
@ 2015-07-25 08:22:04
Worked as CYN/YN2 on staff of Admiral O.H. Perry 1968 through early 1970 and would enjoy hearing from anyone who also worked at Comsubflot 8 during that time. The whole Naples experience was a joy....over the years I've come to value it more and more; what an experience having so much history within a few miles. What did I do? Like most young guys I took it for granted. Memories, however, are a treasure.
cwhitebonnett picture
@ 2015-08-02 17:06:32
wow, was doing some research for a book and found this...awesome. I was stationed in tunnel 4 71-72 as Radioman 2nd class. We had Italians working with us, one I remember most we called Johny, was a great guy. Do wish I could have a dolce and cappicino from the little place over in the building that had all the shops. I lived at first in the womens barracks, which was a converted clinic building. Eventually got an apartment behind NSA, Humpty-Dumpty was my landlord...too funny. Loved going to see movies at Carney Park, sitting on my VESPA scooter. And had fun watching Mannix, Hight Chapperel, and Big Valley at the outdoor theater at AFSOUTH.
everyone mentions Humpty, but does anyone remember Commissary Mary? Was working in the tunnel one night during an earthquake, that was so many memories....drop me a line if you want to share.
Anonymous picture
@ 2015-08-21 19:25:10
what happened to the club called Castle which was off base?
Anonymous picture
@ 2015-08-21 19:29:57
I was stationed AFSOUTH 1974-1977 and went to club off base called Castle which was Navy I think. Also out at Pinetamare was a club called Driftwood which was ran by a retired US Navy Chief. What happened to the Driftwood and the retired Chief?
Anonymous picture
@ 2015-09-02 11:23:19
any body remember ray leblanc, chuck Alcott. they were there in 1970
Anonymous picture
@ 2015-10-16 20:09:38
alan, as far as the "haunted" buildings at AFSOUTH, that was just BS. I remember the "bloods stains" in the HQ buildings. I was roving ptl at nights I also remember the mid-rats! All good stuff.
Anonymous picture
@ 2015-12-26 09:43:42
I was stationed at ALFSE, in 1954-1956, when our barracks was located in the Grilli Hotel, in Naples,
next to the train station. We moved to Bagnoli in July of 1954. Half of the base was still being built. What I see now, wasn't there. At first we stayed in the building,south of Building B and finally moved to the barracks behind Building B. The movie theater was southeast was the barracks. We werre on the second floor of the southside of the building. I don"t remember the building letter. So, we were the first Marines stationed at what we called base Bagnoli. Living in the Grilli Hotel was terrible. We had no means of having our uniforms dry cleaned or pressed. I once sent out a uniform to be clean and they washed it in a washing machine. It was ruined.
Anonymous picture
@ 2016-01-02 07:30:24
Spesso ancora adesso chiudo gli occhi e sogno di essere nella base. Nella base sono cresciuta, negli anno '80 ho avuto il mio più grande amore della mia vita e pagherei qualunque cosa per tornare a quei tempi. i love Afsouth, for ever in my heart.
Anonymous picture
@ 2016-01-22 06:46:24
I worked in M&E Branch, in Building P from 1971 to 1973....the top right hand corner of the top R/H building near the trees. We used to say "when something needed to be done in NATO, "the Greeks grumbled about it, the Turks thought about it, the Italians sang about it, the Yanks paid for it and the British did it!" Pretty well summed the place up. We drafted all the exercised for the Southern Region - interesting but for most of the delegates is was a giant freebie shopping trip around the shops in Building L. I remember at Christmas we had a "party" in our section conference room - everyone brought something representative of their own country. Senora Casetta, our Italian secretary brought a huge Zuppa Inglese - a sort of trifle - but it lay largely untouched and when the party concluded everyone went home for Christmas. I was first in after the holiday, closely followed by our USMC Lt Col who had a CinC briefing to prepare. He went into the conference room, seconds later to emerge with a confused look on his face - "Jesus Christ, Al - that must have been a hell of a party! Come and have a look!" During the holiday, the ceiling had fallen in splattering the Zuppa Inglese to the four corners of the room - not of course to mention countless bottles of assorted booze. The clean up lasted for weeks! Great days.
DonWatson picture
@ 2016-02-25 16:22:42
I was stationed in Naples from 1970-1973 at the JLO headquarters in Bldg Q. I had such a great time in Naples and truly want to return. We lived off base and didn't wear any uniforms which was great. Lived on Via Vecchio for a time, near the base with Jim Amancio and Patrick......i have no idea where Jim is now. Patrick lives in Milwaukee.
my email is, if anyone from that era is around. It would be great to talk.
Don Watson
Anonymous picture
@ 2016-03-28 15:17:25
I was stationed at NAVCAMSMED 1983-1987 in the L shaped building in the upper right corner of the photos. I first was at Capodichino for a year and half then Xfferd downtown to Bagnoli. I was a Comm Tech. And also worked on Antenna at Mt. Camaldoli, Capodichino, Agnano, Lago Di Patria, Gaeta, and Sardinia. We lived in a 4-plex overlooking the Mar Tirreno at Lago Di Patria. At Bagnoli every morning I would go to Bldg L and get cafe' at the Bar Rizzo from Luigi, Sr. Rizzo or Anna Maria!. I bought Capodimonte's at the Capodimonte store there, and got 3 silk suites from the suit store. I did all my college classes thru the on-base education office. One of our favorite things to do was go to Roma for the day on a Sunday...hop on the train, stop at the Coliseum, Pantheon, Spanish Steps, Trevi Fountain, The Vatican and have Chinese food in the only Chinese restaurant we found in Europe. The beach at Gaeta was great and loved going to the nude beach at Sperlonga! Around Napoli we went to Pompeii, Sorrento, Capri, Paestum, Vesuvio and all the ruins we could find! I found a model train store in Portici and build me a train set at our apartment! I learned to speak the language (in dialect) almost to the point of fluency. Two of our kids were born at the Naval Hospital in Agnano/Pozzuoli on the hill with the crack running down the middle of the building. Constant daily eaarthquakes from the Bradyism. Liked haveing lunch at the Carabineri cafeteria. We traveled around Europe extensively on our vacations. Monte Carlo, Paris, Munich, Garmisch, Innsbrook, Milan, Venice, Matterhorn, Zuigspitz, Florence, Sienna, Pisa, Orvieto, Parco Abruzzo in the mountains. I went there for shore duty as an ET2 and left as a Chief. Best 4 years of our lives. We LIVED LA DOLCE VITA. Were NOT EVER BARRACKS RATS or stuck in PINETAMARE. Oh and lets not forget shopping at EuroMercato or getting "Roadkill" roasted whole chickens on the side of the road in the Squeeze from the cart in Agnano!
Anonymous picture
@ 2016-04-09 18:17:29
My father Gerald 'Doug' Perry worked at a receiver site near Lago Patria from 68-72. We went to the Famingo Club quite a few times. If anyone remembers him, let me know--he passed away a few years ago.
Arch picture
@ 2016-05-26 10:09:33
I was a corpsman working on Via Manzoni in '63-'64. My name is Archie Jones and I was called "Scramble" by some buddies. Was pals with Joe Ortenzio and Tony Cappadona.

It was a great time and I've been back on several occasions. I remember the canneloni at the Flamingo, the beach, ordering food out from one of the bars on Carravagio, hearing about Kennedy and much more.

Not good with names, but do remember the CPO "Shaky Jake" and "Motormouth" O'Rourke. Timleary, remind me of where you worked and who you remember. I worked the wards, but also the newborn nursery and ended as assistant to LTJG J. E. Johns, the Sanitation Officer.

Just remembered “Tarzan”, an Italian employee who seemed sort of a capo at the hospital. He interceded for one of my shipmates who dated an Italian girl and needed extrication when he found that eating at her family's home meant something like an engagement.

Naples was magical, but so far only one of my visits back really captured that magic again. It was on a drizzly Saturday evening in February and as I walked to the Piazza Pleblisito a loudspeaker played beautiful music. Later, the Via Toledo, which we had called the Via Roma, was covered with vivid colorful umbrellas which bounced over the Neapolitans on their evening stroll. Close your eyes and imagine them.
Anonymous picture
@ 2016-07-05 07:32:45
I was stationed at afsouth in 1958 to 1960. I was in communicactions and worked in the tunnel. I was also on the softball fast pitch team. I was in the air force. In 1959 we were the all service champions and also won the commanders trophy on the 4th of july. Ssgt Ronald Lillie
nrenrut77 picture
@ 2016-07-08 11:01:52
I was stationed here from 1959-1962. Worked in the tunnel in communications. I worked for Capt. Colebank and Col. Williams. I coached the Army soft ball team and was a basketball official for the different services and Forest Sherman High School. I have recently been diagnosed with pulmonary Fibrosis, which is terminal. I am not trying to place blame but wondered if the silica in the tunnel walls may have contributed to my condition. I loved my time in the Army and enjoyed the assignment in Naples. Many fond memories. Nicole
Jameshunt picture
@ 2016-07-22 18:52:38
I was stationed at the AFSOUTH complex in the 60's having left Italy in 1965. I was a Radioman working in Tunnel 4 behind building L. Before departing, I married an Italian Local and we lived in an apartment in Bagnoli at the corner of Via Nuova Agnano and JFK. We have a daughter who was born at the Hospital on Via Manzoni behind the complex NSA Naples. I remember only a couple of names ie Milaski, Wiesnesky, Buntrock. I recall I was supervisor for a small communications team consisting of mostly females (Army, Navy, and Air Force). Those ladies used to give me fits. Before I got married, I used to frequent a bar in Bagnoli called Black and White and remember Titzianna, Crazy Anna, was involved in a stabbing of the owner one night and drove him to a clinic in Naples for treatment. I returned to Italy sometime around 1999 to visit the relatives in Capua (Caserta).
Jameshunt picture
@ 2016-07-22 18:58:20
Does anyone remember "Lella" who ran the Heinekens bars near NSA? She was married to a Master Chief (King), and had a son Walter who was a family friend.
Anonymous picture
@ 2017-01-05 14:10:21
I was stationed at the Marine Barracks from 87-89.. served as the Marine to the 4 star from 88/89.. Lots of great memories of playing ball at Carney Park and having the time of my life. It was sure fun to read all the posts from the guys that served there long before me.
Anonymous picture
@ 2017-01-11 10:59:12
Second comment. I was there from 1970-1972. Worked in Tunnel 4. was a crypto repairman.

Someone in an earlier post said that the Flamingo Club burned down. I thought the Flamingo Club was the large building with the rounded roof in the picture here. Looking at the picture, I don't see any other area that could have held the club.

But, hey, it has been 46 years since I was there!!

If any of you were stationed with me drop me a line at

Jerry Scannell
Anonymous picture
@ 2017-01-17 20:39:52
Just found this web site and reading some of the remarks is really amazing. Was a Radioman stationed at AFSOUTH at COMSUBFLOT8 which then got changed to COMSUBGRU8. Was there from 1972 until 1974. Had a villa offbase which I shared with 2 other guys. Still keep in touch with 2guys from there. Had great times living the 2 years there but didn't extend as that command was losing men and not replacing them so went from 4 shifts down to 3. Several of us decided just to leave and got orders to ships out of Virginia. Again nice memories though.
MfreadUSN picture
@ 2017-01-19 10:56:04
I was stationed at CAPO NAF Naples, 1969 to 1971, played fast pitch softball for CAPO, catcher, third base wherever they needed me to play, miss Carney Park where we played, Teams like CCC, COPA A Team and so on. I loved the place, worked in crash crew. Anyone been there??????
MfreadUSN picture
@ 2017-01-19 14:34:51
Anyone stationed at CAPO during 1968 thru 1971 let's talk sometime. Looking for shipmates ADR2 Gary McLaughlin, SN Stewart Nafy, BM3 N Bonivita..let me know
Anonymous picture
@ 2017-05-12 23:12:41
I worked in the Flamingo Club. It was a special assignment. Thank you Col Furney.
FredBullock picture
@ 2017-06-11 07:42:23
What a great site for the numbers of different nationalities who experienced AFSOUTH/Naples back in the day! It played such a great and influential part in my younger years. I was a corporal my early 20's in Survey in the Royal Engineers when I was posted to the UK Element AFSOUTH, to join the Graphic Arts Section, P&A Div in May of '69. This was headed up by PO Tom Gilliland USN (from Georgia). Other 'Artists" (i say this tongue in cheek!) included Sgt Bob ? USA, E5 Bill Nelson USA from Arizona, E4 later E5 Don Rutherford from Phillie I think, and Sgt James (Mitch) Mitchel RE. Additionally two civilian commercial artist Italian Nationals (Alex de Fazio and Toni Balzano) worked with us in the non high-security section. Our military mission was primarily to provide vugraphs for high level strategy meetings. Amongst other things Alex and Toni produced the weekly Flamingo Club mag, The Flame. Great guys all!
As a newby I was delegated to carry the Union Jack for the UK on numerous subsequent parades for star-ranking officers from various NATO countries. Gelati Whites in summer, No 1 Blues in winter, white gloves mandatory. CinCSOUTH at that time was Adm Horacio Rivero Jr USN.
As a single guy I had my own room on L1 in the Italian Barracks Bldg M. There were three other single Brits and we also had a common room with a bar! I remember on one occasion we entertained visiting British R&R Group 'Freddie and The Dreamers' to watch the FA Cup Final (in B&W) in May 1970. Toni Farino had his hardware store down in the basement. Amongst others, I became friends with E4 Tory Failmezger, USN (later to go on to become Commander USN, and after retirement, to be an author of note), who worked out at Fleet Broadcasting Castel Volturno. We met through Tom Ross MSgt USAF, where a number of usl became 'amateur' historians following one Doc Paget in his search for the legendary 'Entrance to the Underworld' centred on a tunnel complex at the Baia archaeological complex. Halcyon days! After some 40 plus years since our last contact, we reestablished contact and met up in Athens a couple of months ago. I stood in as his Best Man to his marriage to Patty at the Base Chapel, a week after I had married an Aussie Girl in April '71. As an aside we both bought (underpowered!) Fiat Spider 850 coupes, something he reminded me of when we met after all those years! It really was 'la dolce vita for us at that time, but sadly for me it all came to an end on our return to the UK in Dec '71.
Nevertheless the saga and our time in Naples was not finished. More in the next post!
Anonymous picture
@ 2017-06-11 12:27:59
I was stationed at the Receiver site 8-66 to 8-68. Me and a few guys from that time have a Yahoo Group site Called Lago Patria Receiver Site. Have a bunch of photos from back then and welcome any receiver site photos you want to upload.
For those that do not now. Everything that was in Bagnoli is now at the new base were the receive site was.. Lago Patria.
Anonymous picture
@ 2017-06-18 23:07:39
OMG, reading all these comments; you brought back so many good memories. Was there from 1987-91. It was a simpler times...had a Vespa scooter back then. Worked at NAVCAMSMED. Use to get cappochino's and eat at the AFSOUTH enlisted galley. Hung around the Flamingo Club during weekends...
Anonymous picture
@ 2017-09-20 17:19:11
What memories!! I worked in CINC South from '84 to '88 and had some great times there. Anyone else remember Bagnoli Joe's pizza?
Anonymous picture
@ 2017-11-15 20:09:18
I was stationed at AFSOUTH (80-84) working at the dining facilities, (Troop Mess, Proto, and Receiver Site). I am looking for Eric "Iceman" Brown, Army Spec 5 that worked Tech Control at Proto and Tunnel 4 and lived in Building D, Army Dorm..
Anonymous picture
@ 2017-11-16 15:09:57
How about those of us who worked at thre reciever site at Lago di Patria, 1961-63
Jimbo picture
@ 2017-11-24 12:26:45
was stationed there from 75 to 78 worked in Proto. Loved it there. US Army worked in Fleet Center. Great people, loved the hours.
Anonymous picture
@ 2018-01-31 19:42:25
Norman Cornelius RM3 - spent two years 1961-1962 at Crypto Center. Was attached to NSA up on the hill but all time was on the NATO Base. I value those years. They were talking about the bowling alley when I left, was not there yet. Eppidrome bar and black and white were some hangouts off base.
Anonymous picture
@ 2018-02-05 21:53:40
I was the first female to work in maintenance at the reciever site...aka lago patria. Drove a tractor trailer all over Italy, we called it Big Blue. I was there 1991-1994, one of 3 of us NATO NAVY they callef us. Had my daughter at the hospital up on the hill above NSA in Pozzouli, got a lobster dinner for it! And humpty dumpty was still there, little worse for wear.....there wad a marine locked up in the local Italian jail that the marines had to do daily drop offs for the guy for food and stuff. We had a blast driving the Tange to Bagnoli and rushing the gate to wake up the carebears guarding the gates....wouldnt try that now. Trying to imagine all of Bagnoli built at Lago wasnt large. We used to walk to chow hall from the maintenance depot in back. There was a bar in the building with chow hall, I used to bartend there, too. Had a local Italian Sailor keep harassing me to visit the lake with him, always trying to touch me....ugh. I also did mailrunner, so about once a month we got to drive to Bangnoli and get all correspondance. Been to Tunnel 4 lots of times. Drove awesome BMWs, ALFA ROMEOs and Peugots, but That brand new IVECCO Big Blue was by far my favorite! The Italians nearly crashed their cars when they looked up and saw a girl driving that tractor trailer! Did tdy in Verona twice a year, some of my best memories. Did a PT test in the tunnels...that was fun. Dont miss buying gas coupons.
DaveyDe picture
@ 2018-05-09 14:47:04
I was stationed at AFSOUTH 1965-67 with the 450th MI Detachment, in the main HQ Bldg, just down the hall from Admiral Kidd's office. I recall the Flamingo Club as being in the NW corner of the facility. Someone commented about the veal cannelloni, my favorite dish from the Flamingo. Pipping hot with dripping white sauce. I lived in Soccavo. I helped construct the skeet range in the recreation area. Admiral Kidd, AFSOUTH commander, worked on building the range. We hosted many European competitions. My time in Naples was the best assignment in my 20-year career.
Anonymous picture
@ 2018-05-19 23:53:22
Nick nicholson. Usmc SSgt afsouth 76-79. Also bartended nsa chiefs club and drank at k bar.
Anonymous picture
@ 2018-08-01 19:02:32
Joe Polack: Until I learn how to use this site, I was a RM3 at Lago di Patria from June 1953 to August 1955.
Anonymous picture
@ 2018-08-01 19:23:18
Joe Polack 6-23-53.....8-25-55
I was stationed at Lago di Patria during the above dates. We had just finished radio school in San Diego. Twelve of us got shore duty in Italy with a group called MoSigComCo. It was to be a mobile command but the idea died before we arrived. It had changed into a fixed station at a place called Lago di Patria. Because we were all Radio Seamen, we got the job of digging holes for the weights that went into the holes to hold up the antennas. We worked every day at the site and then returned to Bagnoli in the evening. When the building at LdP, we moved in. It was at the end of August, 1953. There were 21 of us who lived there along with two Italians, Sgt. Volpe and Franco Testinne. Our radio equipment was all Italian. It was not very reliable at that time. Our site commander was CHERLE Smith. Our Chief was Mr. Turner.. Anyone out there from that era?
Anonymous picture
@ 2018-08-29 02:03:13
I was stationed from 1972 to 1975
Anonymous picture
@ 2018-11-24 19:15:05
Any JLO-ers out there from '75-'78? I was at AFSOUTH while Admiral Turner and Admiral Crowe were at the helm. General Wilson was at AIRSOUTH. Army LtCol Lynn, then Army Major Davis, were the Commanders at JLO.
Anonymous picture
@ 2018-11-27 14:42:32
Ten years earlier at JLO 1965 - 1968
Anonymous picture
@ 2018-12-05 17:26:58
US Navy - I was stationed there from 75-78 (was able to get an extension). Worked in Plans and Policies, Bldg P. Lived in the barracks for some of my first year then got a place above Lago Lucrino. I remember very fondly all the friends/co-workers I met there. Most of the officers we worked under were nice and I felt privileged to be there. It was an amazing experience getting to see first hand the top secret plans developed for the NATO southern region defense. Got to see the CINC on a regular basis (Stansfield Turner took over while I was there - he was a real gentleman and treated everyone with resepect). I remember getting my scuba lessons up a the pool to get my PADI license so I could go diving in the Med. Really enjoyed going to the films on the base, bowling and having great grilled cheese sandwiches at the snack bar. Played rounds of golf with a Royal Navy captain that worked in our division (he gave me loads of info on what to eat and see when I went to see London and Paris. Did a week in the Proto mountain base for one of the war games. Used to took up to Rome or down to Sorrento weekends with my Italian Navy enlisted workmate Giuseppe - who was from Sardinia and spoke 5 fluent languages. I discovered him of FB two years ago! Was great to reconnect with him. I DO remember Humpt Dumpty and Commisary Mary! Used to see them along the road every time I visited the NSA in my little Fiat pinafarina spider convertable. I remember the great canneloni dinner at the Flaming Club - the live music and slots. Playing darts ("arrows") with the Brit Club (and getting English cigs supplied by my Royal Marine co-worker from their little PX shop). Having fantastic espresso and pastries and the Cafe Gambrinus downtown or in the Galleria Umberto. I was so lucky at such a young age to have gotten to have had all those experiences.
Anonymous picture
@ 2019-01-11 21:24:59
I am trying to purchase the Lion of St Mark pocket badge we wore at marine Bks Naples AFSOUTH can any one help.
Anonymous picture
@ 2019-07-08 12:15:19
anyone remember Pat Garthwaite? Stationed at Afsouth 83-86 . Security police squadron. the pass &ID in building L with Carribeneri
Anonymous picture
@ 2019-11-25 21:43:41
posted this several years ago. Just thought I would show it again. Hope some of you are out there reading this. Pete L.

Stationed at AFSOUTH 1970 to 1971. Worked in Intel Div. Lot of 10 cent beers/pizza at Flamingo. Remember Bill Smith, Brookie, Sam N., Ron Palmer, Sid Puter. Back and forth trips to Rome a lot.
Great experience and time. Lived on the bay in Lucrino. Tough duty.
Anonymous picture
@ 2019-12-20 13:43:34
2019 - Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all AFSOUTH Alumni with a special shout out to JLO members
Anonymous picture
@ 2020-01-11 14:42:01
I was stationed at CSF8 at Afsouth from Aug 1970 to Dec 1972. I worked primarily at Submarine broadcast center in a vault at NavComSta. The first year I lived in the barracks to the left of the 4 main buildings.The odd shaped white smaller building was the movie theatre. At that time the Flamingo club was walking distance from barracks at top of hill. Saw Tony Orlando and Dawn at Flamingo Club I think 1971. Several of my comrades walked to a basketball arena about 4 blocks away to see the Harlem Globetrottters put on a show. Most of us had cars or motorcycles while stationed there. It is a miracle I made it back alive. Some of the worst driving I've encountered in my life. The last year and half a lot of CSF8 guys moved off base, and many of us wound up at Lido di Licola with apartments on the beach. Sounds great ! and it was in Summer. Winter required heating with Kerosene heaters (stink). I was not a happy camper at the time, but look back on it with better feelings know that I am an old man. Not old got to see Italy, but because of my (ss) requirements got to visit Spain, Greece and France once in awhile. I enjoyed reading the comments from others and wish all a great life
Anonymous picture
@ 2020-01-14 22:25:00
The Flamingo Club was still hopping in the 1980s. If you were lucky enough to have been served by Nemo and/or Pasquale at the Flamingo Club (back room with about 10 tables and flambe'), then you definately had a dining experience!! It was a unique tour and will not be forgotten.
Anonymous picture
@ 2020-02-01 16:25:54
I recall being in the old Forrest Sherman Elementary on Manzoni circa 68-69. I think it's a soccer facility now. When I arrived in Naples from an off-base school in Mass., I was horrified to see the behaviors of the officers' kids. Dan Kinzer, who later became my close friend, had atrocious behavior, but I guess it was okay as his dad was an Army brigadier general! And, he was twelve.
Anonymous picture
@ 2020-07-22 19:34:44
check out Utube. search afsouth it will come up AFSOUTH naples italy. keep clicking (for awhile) and you will get to a 15 minute segment (tour) of PROTO. its in italian but they go to every section
Anonymous picture
@ 2020-07-29 20:03:26
I am trying to contact people from the office of Admiral Griffin or Revero's office (especially drivers) 1966-1969. RAB
Anonymous picture
@ 2020-07-31 20:55:52
Is there another web sight that anyone knows of with info about the base or people that were stationed there in the past.
Anonymous picture
@ 2020-09-05 21:09:53
Served on the USS Hammerberg along side of USS Lester, Uss Courtney and the tender USS Cascade from 71-72. Never when to the base that much. stayed downtown at USO and Blue Bird. Stayed at one end of the barracks in same building as the Marines.Week there then boarded my ship in late June as it returned from Malta. Never stayed at sea more than two weeks. Rembered Mike who worked at the USO. Remembered all the spots downtown:Piano bar and Swiss bar.At that time I was a radioman. We had 24 radiomen on board. Great for us. Would like to communicate with my old friends. contact me at
Anonymous picture
@ 2020-10-11 11:49:22
Anybody remember band at Bluebird January 77? Was in band off Roosevelt , PEACHTREE, played USO and band from Bluebird came over to to listen and asked us to play a set At Bluebird.
james92026 picture
@ 2020-12-04 21:08:09
I was stationed at AFSOUTH from 1962 to 1965. I worked at Tunnel 4 in the communications center. I got married there and we departed in 1965, My first born daughter was born at the hospital on Via Manzoni. We had an apartment at Via Nuova Agnano #53 near AFSOUTH and I recall astronaut John Glenn passing by as I watched the parade from my fourth story balcony. Many memories of bingo night at the Flamingo and the small on base theatre. Also Teatro La Perla one block away from our apartment. Good friends with bar owner King and Lella who operated the Heiniken Bars near NSA Naples on Via Caravagio. I retired frim USN as a Chief Radioman in 1979.
Anonymous picture
@ 2020-12-05 12:04:55
Did you forget HAFMED Hq on Malta? I was at AFSOUTH HQ (450th MI Det) and conducted inspections at all AFSOUTH subordinate units. 1965-67. Lived in Ponte di Soccavo.
Arch picture
@ 2020-12-06 14:41:40
Hey james92026. I was a corpsman at the Via Manzoni hospital and was in charge of the newborn nursery for some months at perhaps the same time your first daughter was born. My buddy Joe Ortenzio worked there too and nicknamed boy babies “hamburgers” and girl babies “cheeseburgers”. So best regards to your “cheeseburger”.
Was the bar you mentioned the place that made great grilled ham and chess sandwhiches?
Anonymous picture
@ 2020-12-27 15:17:14
2020 - Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all AFSOUTH Alumni with a special shout out to JLO members
Anonymous picture
@ 2020-12-30 02:32:09
I worked bldg P in Plans & Policy 1974-1977 with some wonderful people of different branches of the military We had a secretary named Susy and I did special projects with USAF Lt Col Boswell and RAF Sqd Ldr Pine. I had a great time and played softball for USAF and we won championship analo played on Army/Air Force football team. I love the club Castle and Driftwood - wonderful times as certain SP5 (female) will attest to even though her husband worked in the next building. Great times I had at Carney Park too
Anonymous picture
@ 2021-02-02 22:42:26
Check out Facebook page called "Flamingo Club - AF South NATO Naples Italy. You will find pictures and more information about a truly special assignment. Be safe
Anonymous picture
@ 2021-02-21 07:58:08
posted this several years ago. Just thought I would show it again. Hope some of you are out there reading this. Pete L.

Stationed at AFSOUTH 1970 to 1971. Worked in Intel Div. Lot of 10 cent beers/pizza at Flamingo. Remember Bill Smith, Brookie, Sam N., Ron Palmer, Sid Puter. Back and forth trips to Rome a lot.
Great experience and time. Lived on the bay in Lucrino. Tough duty.
Anonymous picture
@ 2021-03-29 14:40:45
Wow folks -- what a wonderful site, a rabbit hole of fabulous information, memories, and history! And to think that it has been going strong for sixteen years -- a testament to the enchantment of Naples! I lived in Napoli from 72-76, when my dad was stationed at NSA. Great memories of traipsing around Posillipo and environs, and of all of the goings on at AFSOUTH. I was back visiting a few years ago, and was amazed to find that the steel mills of Bagnoli have been torn down (all but one as a monument) and the waterfront there turned into a lovely pedestrian area. What we kids knew as The Cove (the real name of which is the Trentaremi Bay I've since learned) is now a protected marine reserve, and the mysterious cave through which we would access it (unbeknownst to our parents, of course) is now only accessible through guided tours of the archaeological site of Pausylipon. During our revels around the Cove as teenagers in the 1970s we had no idea of the cave's ancient origins and the Cove's archaeological treasures Anyone else remember this spot? Ciao tutti! - tj
Anonymous picture
@ 2021-04-13 00:32:07
Yes, indeed, I do remember the Flamingo! I arrived in '69 as an Officers daughter, married a Navy Radioman in '72 at 16yrs old (the husband had just turned 19) and partied often at the Pelican. I remember gambling for the 1st time, drinking for the 1st time and saw the movie SHAFT there in a big dining room. I was too young to get into see ROSEMARY'S BABY at the theater that was close by. Lived in Licola, family lived in Parco Azzurro. It was truly a wonderful time and my friend Svany (yes, that Svany) is still my best friend! Anyone out there remember a Navy guy named Bob Copeland?
Anonymous picture
@ 2021-08-11 21:55:14
Checked in 12/31/1969. Grew up quickly as a 18 year old. Navcomsta. Grey building bottom left and remember the Flamingo Club taking my money the first year before I wised up from gambling.
Anonymous picture
@ 2021-08-11 21:58:25
Sorry bottom right building Navcomsta. Radioman 3rd class Rock
Anonymous picture
@ 2021-11-07 08:15:46
assigned to afsouth 62-65. worked in tech control in tunnel 4 snd then proto. loved the assignment . picked up a lancia aurelia 2500 gt b20 prepared for racing by nardi & co and did some road racing. used to drive to rome back when you could wander into the colosseum any time of the day/night (no fences) and partied at the piper club. ate regularly at italian friend’s restaurant on santa lucia (d’ettore). loved the assingment and hated to leave (viet nam!). back then there was little traffic in naples and i can remember lounging at the chalets next to the harbor t the bottom of via possilipo. the air was clean back then and it was great to spend off time at the american beach. also saw chubby checker live at the la perla theater off base
Anonymous picture
@ 2021-11-14 00:22:25
My husband and I were station there 1966-1968..
Great duty station.
Anonymous picture
@ 2022-02-18 12:48:06
Gradguated FSHA in '76. Lot's of great times/memories! Keep up with some of my Italian friends & family in bella Napoli. Went there 2 years ago & spent a great day reminiscing & touring the old, (and basically deserted) AFSOUTH.
Anonymous picture
@ 2022-09-25 14:28:16
I was stationed at AFSOUTH in the years 1958 to 1960 I would like to visit it again how can I go about getting on the camp
Moshulu picture
@ 2022-09-25 14:41:29
I hope this in not a repeat I was station at AF SOUTH from 58 to 60 and would like to revisit it again in June of 2023 I am going to be in Naples at that time does any one how I can contact them and get a tour my email address is
Anonymous picture
@ 2022-11-07 03:30:05
Wow I was Radioman 3rd class worked at navcomsta naples 70-73 in the well famous box never was able to get in touch with any of my friends I was there with except one and god bless his soul he’s no longer with us although I’m still in contact with a friend whom stationed on the uss lester and lived by me in licola mare close to lago patria
Btw my name is Keith Wichryk aka yogi if you wanna reminisce and know me hmu loved everything about Naples flamingo club stag bar and fritta calamari. Yum
bill44 picture
@ 2022-12-11 19:51:03
I coached the 1969 Little League in Naples Italy, I was stationed at the Motor Pool from 68 to70. I also played Softball, Football and Basketball for Afsouth Navy.
Anonymous picture
@ 2023-03-06 13:45:20
Was anyone stationed there in 1980/1981. Looking for photographs of AFSOUTH, NSA, Exchange, Flamingo club, Kriss disco, etc. From 1980/1981 that I can include with a memory book I'm making. I don't have any photos from that time/place.
Anonymous picture
@ 2023-03-11 20:29:53
For the person looking for pics of NSA, Flamingo Club, etc. Try looking on Facebook under "Flaming Club- AFSOUTH, NATO. There are pictures, comments, and videos. You may find what you are looking for and even if you don't I'm sure you will get a smile from the site
Anonymous picture
@ 2023-03-29 12:56:04
Anonymous @ 2019-11-25 21:43:41
posted this several years ago. Just thought I would show it again. Hope some of you are out there reading this. Pete L.

Stationed at AFSOUTH 1970 to 1971. Worked in Intel Div. Lot of 10 cent beers/pizza at Flamingo. Remember Bill Smith, Brookie, Sam N., Ron Palmer, Sid Puter. Back and forth trips to Rome a lot.
Great experience and time. Lived on the bay in Lucrino. Tough duty.
Anonymous picture
@ 2023-07-18 18:29:27
Pete Larsen here. Just reposting this.
PeteL @ 2012-02-20 13:09:38
Stationed at AFSOUTH 1970 to 1971. Worked in Intel Div. Lot of 10 cent beers/pizza at Flamingo. Remember Bill Smith, Brookie, Sam N., Ron Palmer, Sid Puter. Back and forth trips to Rome a lot.
Great experience and time. Lived on the bay in Lucrino. Tough duty.
Anonymous picture
@ 2024-10-04 13:08:02
I was assigned to the First Protective Services at AFSOUTH Naples, IT. WoW that was 30 years ago. Hard to believe it has been that long. Not too many stories about this detail. ADM Smith, Boorda, Smith and ADM Howe. NCIS and 6 Master-At-Arms.