The US community in the Naples area includes service people and their families from each branch of the US Armed Forces. The total community population fluctuates around 10,000. The bulk of the US community in the Naples area is Navy, with Air Force personnel second in number, followed by the Army, Marine Corps and Coast Guard. US civilians, Department of Defense or State employees and family members round out the community. Most of the Army and Air Force personnel are assigned to elements of AFSOUTH. The US Army Element of AFSOUTH is located on the AFSOUTH Post. The Element provides personnel support to all US Army personnel assigned to AFSOUTH, including the NATO Communications School in Latina, Italy; LandSouth Headquarters in Verona, Italy; and the Advanced Command Post at Thessalonikia, Greece. In addition, there are two AFSOUTH liaison officers assigned to Ankara, Turkey and Athens, Greece.
Allied Forces Southern Europe (AFSOUTH)
By kjfitz @ 2005-06-27 15:17:35
(updated 2017-09-20)
I also seem to remember that the thin slot between the big main administration buildings (at the north end of the central quad) and the mountain behind them has multiple large tunnels leading back into the mountain.
There were several retail shops from the various NATO countries located in the southern most building on the west side of the quad. The tunnels mentioned earlier were used for storage and also housed an emergency communications station. We used to test it on occasion. The south wing of thge southern most building on the east side of the Quad housed the galley. They made a mean grilled ham and cheese sandwich! To get into the "back room" of our Broadcast space you had to have a Top Secret, Atomal, Crypto security clearance. Submarine service was about the last to use manually encrypted radio traffic. Once decryped a message from King Hussein of Jordan (via our embassy)addressed to the president of the Untied States while a 4 star Admiral stood over my shoulder!
But they forgot to call me... :)
Referring to your memories of 'The Flamingo Club'...correct it was on the hill. I should know because I worked as a girl vocalist/guitarist with a resident band for Mecca International in 1975. Anyone remember Angus the MD/keyboard player? Those were brilliant days & I had an absolute blast!
Great to read your memories. Sandie (still gigging in the UK)
Too bad about the Flamingo Club. Some very good entertainment came through there whuile I was there including the British band "Freddie and the Dreamers".
Jerry Scannell
It was a great joy to be there as I was due to be posted to Germany but it was changed at the last moment....phew what luck!
I remember the Flamingo Club very well on the top of the hill and have seen many a good man being carried out feet first on a Saturday night back to his barracks......good job it was all downhill.
I remember the 'poor man's morning' on a Sunday when all of the beer was free there.
There was a small cinema on the base which also acted as a Theatre and I joined the theatrical group as a scenery/lighting technician (didn't know much about that as I was only 18 yrs of age!) but had a great time,
I have a wonderful rather large certificate on my wall which shows my service there signed by all of my buddies from the USA, Italy etc and is certified by Colonel W M Edwards, USA.
my pride and joy.
Wonderful memories
Jerry Ashburn(from Little Rock, Ark)
Wylie Miller
Was it used in the Naples Flamingo Club? If you can recall when and how it was used, I'd appreciate hearing from you. Offline if you'd like - tokens at gmail dot com
We lived in a villa out in Via Fusaro near the Med sea. About 10 years ago, several from the COMFAIRMED
Staff had a reunion in Manhatton and one of our dining experiences was in Little Italy area. Probably 25 of us attended and had great time. This is a nice web site. Our friend Ed Woody sent it to us recently. An added note about all that alabaster and Murano glass we brought back. Very valuable if you still have it.
Thanks for letting us share. ARDIE & DON (CAM) USN Retired
How about 'pinburgers" at the bowling alley? A game of "horsecollar" in the Enlisted Club? Ham steaks and a carafe of vino at the Flamingo Club? Singapore Slings? Meatloaf with a full egg in the middle at the cafeteria in Bldg Q? San Franciso bar downtown?
Great experience and time. Lived on the bay in Lucrino. Tough duty.
Also, my father (Navy HMC) worked at a NAS somewhere north of Carney Park, but I can't find it on Google Earth. I remember it was about a 40 minute drive north of our apartment in Baia (just west of Pozzuoli) and included a drive along the straight "4-laner" and through "Red Square" which was a round-about that had an obelisk in the middle topped by a star. My mother told me about a geological void that opened under the base's runway, which took big bucks to fill in with concrete. Can anyone tell me where to find this base, or what might have become of it? Thanks!
Marty Mooney RM3
Stayed in the Domintiana when we arrived and can't remember the hotel when we left.
Brought over a 67 Rambler Rebel left it there when we transferred out. Though my wife and I smoked at that time, we had ration coupons left over to swap for gas. My wife became pregnant shortly after we arrived, but went on many base sponsored trips to Pompei, Rome, Amalfi , the islands and much more. Brought over two girls who went to the grammar school on base ane left with another newborn girl. Many more good and some not so good memories but mostly good! Gil
afsouth to nsa! omg! who knew. wild times. I remember edenlandia and going on the roller coaster and having to duck your head at a certain point or possibly suffer a skull fracture. got married there, stupidly,my request chit was denied, believe that, all i can say, i should have listened! i was 19! admiral crowe was our cic. cool to see him on an episode of cheers later when he was joint chief of staff. really nice man, actually.
duo downstairs was "Italo and Erasmo" piano and drums, very popular. I lived in a group house in Licola and
took the bus to Proto. Hard to find info about Proto on the web but I had heard that it was built by Kesselring
during WWII and eventually used by Nato.
I have a yahoo group. Named. "receiversite" where I have photos of the new headquarters.
but who working at proto..?!? underground HQ..??!
Returned to Naples after Vietnam, in '71 as Port Services Officer, office was on the downtown fleet landing huge pier, where cruise ships come in now. Played a lot of fast pitch softball at Carney Park. Back to States in '72.
Humpty Dumpty, the Campfire Girls, DiMartino's Bar & the Hippodrome in Bagnoli......aaaah, the memories.
Took my wife there last month. Flew space-A to Capo, visited AFSOUTH first, it was totally abandoned!!!!!!!!! Moved to a huge, gleaming new place at Lago Patria. Wife & I wandered the old AFSOUTH, walked in and out of most all bldgs., including the barracks, bldg. L, the theater. A caretaker/security guard told me they plan to bulldoze the whole place soon! Tunnels seem intact, but completely locked down. Many friends, some I am still in contact with, from there. Jehlik, Birdzell, Peedee, Pete Athearn....many are gone now! Questions/comments, write me at
Retired in 1980, live in Harrisonburg, VA now...the quiet life.
In '58-'61 time frame I had a friend in TTY maintenance, RM2 William G. Taylor, USN. He was from TX. Lost him and would love to reconnect. Anyone knowing where he went after 1961, please let me know at I am in contact with some guys. If you're looking, let me know.
"nato proto" you will find many photos that in some cases link you to larger
collections of inside proto. I never thought I'd see it again, fascinating stuff!
@ 2014-03-12 19:52:37
Your dad was probably stationed here:,14.155288,190m/data=!3m1!1e3?hl=en
Chief Buntrock, Chief Hammel, Jack Milewski, LT COL Lietchski, Sargeant Cippoletti. Many others who also attended my wedding reception near the base. 1965
The Flamingo Club was a very awesome place, too. I remember a rooftop place with an awesome view of the bay, but the club has a rounded roof so I wonder where the rooftop place was? had to be another building there. Anybody remember?
Some people mentioned Humpty Dumpty and the Campfire Girls. Wow what a trip down memory lane -- 45 years later!
Jerry Scannell
At the end of 70's me and my family spent many week end at Flamingo Club (the Civilian Manager was Mr. Albino Iurassi, a great Gentleman!), playng Bingo, on winter, and at the beautiful swimming pool on summer: the smell of american foods stay in my memory: what french fries, what hot dog..!!
The beloved Dad of my wife, M.llo RENATO GHINELLI, dead on 1985, work at the Naval Communication Station of Afsouth from 1961 to 1973: if someone of you remember him, or have some pics, please write me.
I hope you find what you are looking for. Also if anyone else who reads this male have photos of the band I would love to see some.
Ciao Paolo, Spero che troverete quello che vi serve. Audio per ora .Jim Dibdin
Dear Jim, thank you very much for your answer;
think that I've known my ife just at the "DAMIANI"!
I hope that these places have left sweet memories in your heart!
I wish you much serenity, and I send you my greetings.
everyone mentions Humpty, but does anyone remember Commissary Mary? Was working in the tunnel one night during an earthquake, that was so many memories....drop me a line if you want to share.
next to the train station. We moved to Bagnoli in July of 1954. Half of the base was still being built. What I see now, wasn't there. At first we stayed in the building,south of Building B and finally moved to the barracks behind Building B. The movie theater was southeast was the barracks. We werre on the second floor of the southside of the building. I don"t remember the building letter. So, we were the first Marines stationed at what we called base Bagnoli. Living in the Grilli Hotel was terrible. We had no means of having our uniforms dry cleaned or pressed. I once sent out a uniform to be clean and they washed it in a washing machine. It was ruined.
my email is, if anyone from that era is around. It would be great to talk.
Don Watson
It was a great time and I've been back on several occasions. I remember the canneloni at the Flamingo, the beach, ordering food out from one of the bars on Carravagio, hearing about Kennedy and much more.
Not good with names, but do remember the CPO "Shaky Jake" and "Motormouth" O'Rourke. Timleary, remind me of where you worked and who you remember. I worked the wards, but also the newborn nursery and ended as assistant to LTJG J. E. Johns, the Sanitation Officer.
Just remembered “Tarzan”, an Italian employee who seemed sort of a capo at the hospital. He interceded for one of my shipmates who dated an Italian girl and needed extrication when he found that eating at her family's home meant something like an engagement.
Naples was magical, but so far only one of my visits back really captured that magic again. It was on a drizzly Saturday evening in February and as I walked to the Piazza Pleblisito a loudspeaker played beautiful music. Later, the Via Toledo, which we had called the Via Roma, was covered with vivid colorful umbrellas which bounced over the Neapolitans on their evening stroll. Close your eyes and imagine them.
Someone in an earlier post said that the Flamingo Club burned down. I thought the Flamingo Club was the large building with the rounded roof in the picture here. Looking at the picture, I don't see any other area that could have held the club.
But, hey, it has been 46 years since I was there!!
If any of you were stationed with me drop me a line at
Jerry Scannell
As a newby I was delegated to carry the Union Jack for the UK on numerous subsequent parades for star-ranking officers from various NATO countries. Gelati Whites in summer, No 1 Blues in winter, white gloves mandatory. CinCSOUTH at that time was Adm Horacio Rivero Jr USN.
As a single guy I had my own room on L1 in the Italian Barracks Bldg M. There were three other single Brits and we also had a common room with a bar! I remember on one occasion we entertained visiting British R&R Group 'Freddie and The Dreamers' to watch the FA Cup Final (in B&W) in May 1970. Toni Farino had his hardware store down in the basement. Amongst others, I became friends with E4 Tory Failmezger, USN (later to go on to become Commander USN, and after retirement, to be an author of note), who worked out at Fleet Broadcasting Castel Volturno. We met through Tom Ross MSgt USAF, where a number of usl became 'amateur' historians following one Doc Paget in his search for the legendary 'Entrance to the Underworld' centred on a tunnel complex at the Baia archaeological complex. Halcyon days! After some 40 plus years since our last contact, we reestablished contact and met up in Athens a couple of months ago. I stood in as his Best Man to his marriage to Patty at the Base Chapel, a week after I had married an Aussie Girl in April '71. As an aside we both bought (underpowered!) Fiat Spider 850 coupes, something he reminded me of when we met after all those years! It really was 'la dolce vita for us at that time, but sadly for me it all came to an end on our return to the UK in Dec '71.
Nevertheless the saga and our time in Naples was not finished. More in the next post!
For those that do not now. Everything that was in Bagnoli is now at the new base were the receive site was.. Lago Patria.
I was stationed at Lago di Patria during the above dates. We had just finished radio school in San Diego. Twelve of us got shore duty in Italy with a group called MoSigComCo. It was to be a mobile command but the idea died before we arrived. It had changed into a fixed station at a place called Lago di Patria. Because we were all Radio Seamen, we got the job of digging holes for the weights that went into the holes to hold up the antennas. We worked every day at the site and then returned to Bagnoli in the evening. When the building at LdP, we moved in. It was at the end of August, 1953. There were 21 of us who lived there along with two Italians, Sgt. Volpe and Franco Testinne. Our radio equipment was all Italian. It was not very reliable at that time. Our site commander was CHERLE Smith. Our Chief was Mr. Turner.. Anyone out there from that era?
Stationed at AFSOUTH 1970 to 1971. Worked in Intel Div. Lot of 10 cent beers/pizza at Flamingo. Remember Bill Smith, Brookie, Sam N., Ron Palmer, Sid Puter. Back and forth trips to Rome a lot.
Great experience and time. Lived on the bay in Lucrino. Tough duty.
Was the bar you mentioned the place that made great grilled ham and chess sandwhiches?
Stationed at AFSOUTH 1970 to 1971. Worked in Intel Div. Lot of 10 cent beers/pizza at Flamingo. Remember Bill Smith, Brookie, Sam N., Ron Palmer, Sid Puter. Back and forth trips to Rome a lot.
Great experience and time. Lived on the bay in Lucrino. Tough duty.
Great duty station.
Btw my name is Keith Wichryk aka yogi if you wanna reminisce and know me hmu loved everything about Naples flamingo club stag bar and fritta calamari. Yum
posted this several years ago. Just thought I would show it again. Hope some of you are out there reading this. Pete L.
Stationed at AFSOUTH 1970 to 1971. Worked in Intel Div. Lot of 10 cent beers/pizza at Flamingo. Remember Bill Smith, Brookie, Sam N., Ron Palmer, Sid Puter. Back and forth trips to Rome a lot.
Great experience and time. Lived on the bay in Lucrino. Tough duty.
PeteL @ 2012-02-20 13:09:38
Stationed at AFSOUTH 1970 to 1971. Worked in Intel Div. Lot of 10 cent beers/pizza at Flamingo. Remember Bill Smith, Brookie, Sam N., Ron Palmer, Sid Puter. Back and forth trips to Rome a lot.
Great experience and time. Lived on the bay in Lucrino. Tough duty.