The Beverly House - Nicolas Berggruen

The Beverly House - Nicolas Berggruen's House

The Beverly House - Nicolas Berggruen's House (Google Maps)
The Beverly House - Nicolas Berggruen's House (Bing Maps)
The Beverly House Compound sits on 6.25 acres of land and approx 75,000 sqft of living space of all structures. Previous well known owners include William Randolph Hearst and Marion Davies. The estate served a filming location for movies "The Godfather" and "The Bodyguard". It was also reported that JFK & Jackie Kennedy spent their honeymoon here.

The 8 bedroom, 15 bathroom Italian and Spanish style mansion has been on and off the market for between $69.95 Million and $195 Million since 2007. It was bought by billionaire Nicolas Berggruen for $63.5 Million at an auction in 2021.
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The Beverly House
The Beverly House
The Beverly House
The Beverly House
Front Gate Of The Beverly House
The Beverly House
The Beverly House
Pool At The Beverly House
The Beverly House


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Anonymous picture
@ 2007-07-10 20:56:28
This post is incomplete. The property is actually four homes, not just the one shown. What are the other three properties that make up this compound?