VirtualGlobetrotting server upgrade from 2am-4am PST on 10/25

Virtual Globetrotting has been seeing more and more visitors lately (hello friends!), so we’re going to upgrade to a brand-spankin’ new web and database server to handle the increasing load. There will be two hours of downtime between 2am and 4am PST on 10/25. During that time, the web site may not be reachable.

See you on the new server!

Update 2:02am: Quicker than expected, we’re up and running on the new server. Sorry for the short downtime!

Scavenger Hunt Results

The Word Hunt Scavenger Hunt was a fun hunt with 287 words found. microscopicxp squeaked out a win by 1 point, with Sam034 and neotrix tying for 2nd.

The top 5 winners by points (which is 7 people due to a tie for 3rd) will be receiving a copy of Off The Map:

  1. microscopicxp – 45 points
  2. Sam034 – 44 points
  3. neotrix – 44 points
  4. adrbr – 42 points
  5. milwhcky – 42 points
  6. Tyco – 42 points
  7. bubaonline – 42 points
  8. JulienG – 41 points
  9. kkeps – 40 points
  10. maveriick – 36 points
  11. boothy443 – 28 points
  12. giove – 14 points
  13. jdubble07 – 1 points

I will be emailing the winners later today to confirm their mailing addresses.

Thanks to everyone who participated!

Some of the winner’s submissions:

Ferrari (StreetView)
Google Michigan (StreetView)
Google Michigan
Root Beer (StreetView)
Root Beer
XXXtasy Ranch Gengleman's Club (StreetView)
XXXtasy Ranch Gengleman's Club
Le Tour de France 2008 (StreetView)
Le Tour de France 2008
WOW (StreetView)
Kangaroo Storage (StreetView)
Kangaroo Storage

‘Word Hunt’ Street View Scavenger Hunt

This month’s Scavenger Hunt is a 60-point Google Street View (SV) hunt with a focus on finding words in SV imagery. The hunt starts on Wed September 17 2008 at noon EST, and will last two weeks.

Only Google Street View imagery is accepted, and the imagery must depict a clearly readable word from the category list.

The top 5 contenders will receive a free copy of Off the Map: The Most Amazing Sights on Earth as Seen by Satellite from our friends at Google Sightseeing:

The first place winner will also receive a $25 gift certificate.

The category list for this hunt is here.

Good luck!

Sportin’ a New Look

Three and a half years after Virtual Globetrotting first said “Hello, World“, we decided to clean things up a bit and get a fresh haircut.

The entire site has been scrutinized and updated to increase consistency, usability and navigation. The search box is smarter and incorporates Google Search as backup. Several pages have been optimized and sped-up. The map submission form has some JavaScript tricks up its sleeves to make submissions easier and more accurate.

Most importantly, we feel the site looks crisper and more refined. Maybe not Web 2.0 but at least Web 1.9.

If you find any problems with the site, feel free to email us. Thanks for all your support.

50,000 user-submitted maps!

Today we’ve reached a great milestone — the 50,000th user submitted map to VGT. gamma submitted a Google map of a plane landing at Palma de Mallorca:

Landing at Palma de Mallorca (Google Maps)
Landing at Palma de Mallorca

I want to thank each any every one of you fellow Globetrotters — visitors, maps submitters, lurkers, first timers, moderators. You’ve all contributed to making VGT an awesome resource for exploring our globe, and a great community to be a part of.

VGT is over 3 years old now, and I have some planned updates coming soon including a small face lift and a few much-requested features. Stay tuned!

Here’s Lookin At You! Street View Scavenger Hunt Winners!

Our Here’s Lookin At You! Street View Scavenger Hun was a ton of fun, and we had 210 new Street View maps submitted. Great job everyone!

Final Standings:

  1. Trooper111 – 46 points – $50
  2. neotrix – 44 points – $30
  3. Straylight – 44 points – $30
  4. microscopicxp – 43 points – $20
  5. milwhcky – 37 points
  6. adrbr – 32 points
  7. giove – 32 points
  8. meldermister – 17 points
  9. boothy443 – 11 points

Some of my favorites:

Man waving to Google Streetview (StreetView)
Man waving to Google Streetview

Reno police officer (StreetView)
Reno police officer

House on fire (StreetView)
House on fire

Wedding bride (StreetView)
Wedding bride

Here’s Lookin At You! Street View Scavenger Hunt

The Here’s Lookin’ At You! Street View Scavenger Hunt has started!

The scavenger hunt will last two weeks and there will be $100 in cash prizes ( gift certificates) for the winners. The prize breakdown is as follows:

  • 1st: $50
  • 2nd: $30
  • 3rd: $20

If there is a tie for first place, the prize money will be distributed as such:

  • 1st person to get the high score: $50
  • All others who get the high score: Split the other $50 evenly

All submissions must be Google Street View submissions.

Never done a VGT Scavenger Hunt before? Take a look at the category list and submit new maps for places you find. You acquire points once the moderators approve of your submission.

Good luck contestants!

“Here’s lookin at you!” scavenger hunt starts Wed Jun 18 noon EST

Scavenger Hunt Coming Soon

In celebration of Google Street View’s 1-year anniversary and the 37 new cities they’ve just released Street View images of, we will be starting a new scavenger hunt (Street View focused) on Wed Jun 18 at noon EST.

The scavenger hunt will last two weeks and there will be $100 in cash prizes ( gift certificates) for the winners.

Stay tuned!

May 2008 Top Map Submitters

adrbr, a new member this year, took the monthly top-submitter lead from long-time submitter and moderator kjfitz. adrbr is submitting a wide variety of cool maps. Welcome to the community! Thanks to everyone else who is submitting maps too. We’re nearing 50,000!

  1. adrbr – 239 maps
  2. kjfitz – 235 maps
  3. tlp333 – 217 maps
  4. neotrix – 211 maps
  5. Rene73 – 140 maps

Most Popular Maps

The most popular map on the site of all time (Bill Gate’s house) is joined by this month’s most popular map of his house in France, which is also nearby one of Paul Allen’s villas:

Villa La Leopolda - Lily Safra's House (Birds Eye)
Villa La Leopolda - Lily Safra's House
Villa Maryland - Paul Allen's House (Former) (Birds Eye)
Villa Maryland - Paul Allen's House (Former)
David Archuleta's House (Birds Eye)
David Archuleta's House
Bill & Hillary Clinton's house (Birds Eye)
Bill & Hillary Clinton's house
Chaiten Volcano Eruption - 6 May, 2008 (Google Maps)
Chaiten Volcano Eruption - 6 May, 2008