Nagoro, also known as the "Village of Dolls," is a small village located in the Iya Valley on Shikoku Island in Japan. The village is populated with life-sized dolls that outnumber the human residents. The dolls were created by Tsukimi Ayano, a local who returned to Nagoro after spending many years in Osaka. She began making these dolls to replace and remember villagers who had either passed away or moved elsewhere.
The dolls, crafted from straw, cloth, and other materials, are dressed in clothing and placed around the village to mimic everyday activities and scenes. There are now hundreds of these dolls scattered throughout Nagoro, positioned in locations such as houses, fields, and schools. This initiative highlights the issue of rural depopulation, as Nagoro, like many rural areas in Japan, has experienced a significant decline in population due to urban migration and an aging demographic.
The eerie and unique nature of the doll village has attracted tourists from around the world, who visit to see the dolls and experience the village's quiet, contemplative atmosphere. The story of Nagoro and its dolls has been featured in various media, sparking discussions about rural depopulation and the preservation of local cultures in Japan.
creepy af imagine someone orders pizza and you have to deliver it there