The reality-based television series that debuted on E! on October 14, 2007 was partially shot here. The series documents the daily lives of the Kardashian/Jenner family, the former of which consists of the ex-wife and children of late attorney Robert Kardashian. The cast includes Kris Jenner, Bruce Jenner, Kourtney Mary Kardashian, Kimberly Noel Kardashian, Khloe Alexandra Kardashian, Robert Arthur Kardashian, Jr., Kendall Nicole Jenner and Kylie Kristen Jenner. The family has moved to a new location that is also featured on this site.
"Keeping Up with the Kardashians" House
@ 2020-09-04 02:22:37
Kylie's middle name is not Maria. It's Kristen. She's named for her mother--Kylie Kristen Jenner.
@ 2020-09-04 21:02:56
@ 2021-11-11 22:26:43
This is also not the original "KUWTK" home. When the family moved, it was sold to a developer and he tore the house down and built this one.