November Celebrity Birthdays

Whether you’re 8 or 98, having a birthday is a cause for celebration. Cake, ice cream, and presents are the norm for most of us, but if you’re a celebrity, celebrating can go to another level entirely. Let’s see what lucky stars are celebrating this month.

Kathy Griffin

Kathy Griffin, famous comedian and actress, turns 59 on November 4, 2019.   Her long career in Hollywood has included comedy specials, television shows, hosting events, and speaking out on political issues.

Her career has allowed her to purchase several homes throughout the Los Angeles area, including a $10.5 million home in Bel Air Crest, one of the most elite gated areas in the area.

Whether she’s with Anderson Cooper or any of her other friends, she’ll be laughing as she blows out her candles.

Kathy Griffin's House (Former) (Google Maps)
Kathy Griffin's House (Former)

Matthew McConaughey

Matthew McConaughey is a famous actor who, while he spends time in California for filming his hit television shows and movies, loves to be in his native Texas. He owns a working ranch in Mertzon. Not many celebrities can make that claim.

Matthew McConaughey's Ranch (Google Maps)
Matthew McConaughey's Ranch

However, he’s more likely to celebrate with his wife Camilla and children in their Austin mansion, where they were married in 2012. The 10,000 square foot house has eight bedrooms and seven bathrooms, and access to a nearby lake for outings with his family. There’s no better place to celebrate your birthday than with your family on a lake in Texas.

Matthew McConaughey's House (Birds Eye)
Matthew McConaughey's House

Emma Stone

The hip young actress is always refreshing to see in films, but she’s been acting since she was a little girl. She will have a lot to celebrate when she turns 31 on November 6, whether she’s in New York or Los Angeles.

She has a fabulous apartment in New York that would be perfect for celebrating with friends.

Emma Stone's Apartment (StreetView)
Emma Stone's Apartment

However, she’s more likely to spend her birthday on the west coast, seeing as how she’s bought two homes there within the last year. She bought a mansion in Westwood in August 2019 for $2.3 million, reportedly for a family member.

Emma Stone's House (Google Maps)
Emma Stone's House

She bought a Malibu home in October 2018 for $3.25 million. This home on 3.2 acres is likely where the famously private actress will spend her birthday with close friends and family, and maybe her Oscar for La LA LAnd.

Emma Stone's House (Google Maps)
Emma Stone's House

Leonardo DiCaprio

The veteran actor, born on Veteran’s Day, November 11, will be turning 45 this year, but he’s not slowing down. He owns homes throughout southern California and around the world so it’s anyone’s guess where he’ll be celebrating his birthday, but everyone knows it’ll be a blast for anyone invited.

It could be on his private island in Belize, which he is turning into an eco-friendly resort that will open to the public in 2020.

Leonardo DiCaprio's Private Island (Google Maps)
Leonardo DiCaprio's Private Island

It’s more likely he’ll be in California, perhaps at the new house he’s building on the 1.76 acre oceanfront lot he bought for $23 million in 2017.

Leonardo DiCaprio's House (Google Maps)
Leonardo DiCaprio's House

Lorne Michaels

Lorne Michaels has been bringing late night laughs into the homes of Americans for more than 40 years, and on November 17, he’ll be laughing in his home as he celebrates his 75th birthday.

He’ll probably celebrate it in his Armagansett, New York house, since he’ll be in full swing of the fall season of Saturday Night Live.

Lorne Michaels' House (Birds Eye)
Lorne Michaels' House


The quirky and talented Icelandic musician was born in Reykjavik on November 21, 1965 and has been entertaining people for more than 40 years.

The talented artist spends most of her time in Iceland, but if she’s in the United States, she will probably be serenading her guests with an edgy rendition of “Happy Birthday” in Palisades, New York.

Bjork's House (Birds Eye)
Bjork's House

Howie Mandel

The Deal or No Deal and America’s Got Talent host is America’s favorite germophobe. While he won’t be shaking hands with his birthday guests on November 29, he’ll still be celebrating with loved ones.

He’s lived in the same mansion in Hidden Hills, a suburb of Los Angeles, California since 1999. The 13,000 square foot mansion was custom built to his specifications. He bought a second home in the same suburb in 2018, so the birthday boy will be twice as happy.

Howie Mandel's House (Birds Eye)
Howie Mandel's House

You don’t have to be a celebrity to celebrate in style, just find a place to celebrate, invite your closest friends and family, and tuck into some cake and ice cream. If November’s your birthday month: Happy Birthday!

Most Haunted Cities in the US

You’re walking down an old city street and pass a sad looking gentleman going the other direction. Something seems off about his character so you turn around to get another look … but he’s gone.

Unexplained encounters can happen anywhere, but if you’re in some cities, it’s a lot more likely to occur.

Salem, Massachusetts

Salem, Massachusetts is a strong candidate for the most haunted city in the United States.

Between February 1692 and May 1693, Salem Town and surrounding villages were all involved in a mass hysteria of alleged witchcraft that led to the execution of 14 women and six men. Nineteen individuals were hung at Gallows Hill.

Gallows Hill (Birds Eye)
Gallows Hill

The final victim, Giles Corey, was executed by having stones piled on top of him, and leaving him until he died two days later. Corey is said to haunt Salem for his unlawful murder. He appears in the town’s oldest cemetery and before bad things happen in the town.

At least one other witch trial victim is said to haunt the city, and ghosts from other eras are well known throughout the town as well.

Restaurants that were former brothels, a funeral home turned liquor store, and houses built on top of burial sites all attract paranormal experiences in this very haunted city. Visitors can tour the Salem Museum and get a first hand education of the town’s history and look for the paranormal throughout the area.

Salem Witch Museum (StreetView)
Salem Witch Museum

Charleston, South Carolina

One of the oldest cities in the United States, Charleston’s history is full of stories that would leave people unable to move beyond their mortal experiences. As a wealthy port city, Charleston was a prime target for pirates. When the pirates were caught, they were often held in filthy dungeons and executed publicly to serve as a deterrent to other would-be pirates.

“Gentleman Pirate” Stede Bonnet was hanged for piracy and is said to haunt White Point Garden, where he was executed.

White Point Garden Confederate Statue (StreetView)
White Point Garden Confederate Statue

As a major port and plantation town, Charleston was famous for its role in the slave trade. The Slave Mart is surely haunted by the ghosts of men and women who were separated forever from their family and loved ones when they were sold as property on this site.

Old Slave Mart (Birds Eye)
Old Slave Mart

Other sites, such as Fort Sumter, are haunted by those who died before their time, unjustly or under suspicious circumstances.

Come to Charleston prepared to learn about the city’s rich, and spooky, history.

Fort Sumter (Google Maps)
Fort Sumter

San Francisco, California

San Francisco’s history as a gold rush town, an entry way for Chinese immigrants, and home to all sorts who didn’t fit in elsewhere has led it to be one of the most haunted cities in the country.

Underneath its charming exterior lie many stories of immigrants who suffered at the hands of mine and factory owners, women jilted by lovers and families and those seeking vengeance for wrongs done in this life.

Painted Ladies - "Post Card Row" (Birds Eye)
Painted Ladies - "Post Card Row"

In nearby San Jose is the Winchester Mystery House, owned by William Winchester, heir to the Winchester repeater rifle fortune. After William’s death, a psychic told his widow that the only way to keep the unhappy spirits of those killed by the rifles at bay was to continually add on to her house. Construction took place nonstop for 50 years.

Despite her efforts, spiritual sightings and experiences are reported there to this day.

Winchester Mystery House (StreetView)
Winchester Mystery House

For hundreds of years, native groups would banish unwelcome community members to Alcatraz Island in San Francisco Bay, either temporarily or permanently.

During the Civil War, it was used as a military prison, and as a federal prison from 1934 to 1963. Shortly after, it was taken over for two years by Native American activists reclaiming the land. Spirits from Native men, Civil War prisoners, federal inmates and others are said to haunt the halls.

Smoke, screams and slamming cell doors are common reported occurrences, witnessed by many who have close ties to the island.

Alcatraz (Birds Eye)

While not all paranormal activity is limited to the disgruntled, betrayed or jilted in this life; the most compelling and bewitching stories are of those who have revenge, grief or mourning to continue that prevents them from moving on from this life.

If you visit Salem, San Francisco or Charleston, you should expect to encounter lost souls, so if you experience unexplained activities, it very well might be someone from the other side trying to communicate with you.

Infamous Hotels

Not all hotels are created equal. Some are world famous for their luxuries, others have reputations of being sub par, while most are not memorable, just providing a good night’s sleep, decent WiFi, and maybe a hot breakfast in the morning.

But some hotels are famous for being infamous, tied to serial killers, untimely deaths, hauntings and murders.

Cecil Hotel, Los Angeles

Now called the Stay on Main Hotel, the Cecil Hotel is a budget hotel that has a reputation for housing transients, addicts and even murderers.

So many suicides have occurred that the hotel has earned the nickname “The Suicide” among it’s more familiar residents.

The serial killers Richard Ramirez and Jack Unterweger stayed there during their sprees.

The music group U2 filmed a music video for “Where the Streets Have No Name” with the hotel in the background.

Cecil Hotel (Google Maps)
Cecil Hotel

Washington Hilton, Washington, D.C.

The Washington Hilton is a famous and elegant hotel in downtown Washington, D.C. that once had a reputation as being a gathering place for the political and social elite.

However, on March 30, 1981, it became infamous when John Hinckley Jr. shot at and nearly killed President Ronald Reagan.

Hinckley Hilton (Google Maps)
Hinckley Hilton

President Reagan was leaving an event at the hotel when he and three others were shot by Hinckley, who was under the delusion that shooting the president would gain him the attention and affection of actress Jodie Foster, with whom he was obsessed.

The president and two of the victims were able to quickly recover, but White House Press Secretary James Brady suffered brain damage and was severely disabled for the rest of his life.

Site of the assassination attempt on President Reagan (StreetView)
Site of the assassination attempt on President Reagan

Stanley Hotel, Colorado

One of the scariest horror books, which was turned into a classic horror film, was inspired by the Stanley Hotel in Colorado.

Stephen King, famed novelist, stayed at the remote mountain hotel where he came up with the idea for the story The Shining.

Stanley Hotel and Conference Center (StreetView)
Stanley Hotel and Conference Center

The plot of a winter caretaker being possessed by the hotel’s spirits and attempting to murder his family was based on the story of a real hotel caretaker who murdered his family and then committed suicide.

Visitors to the Stanley Hotel can immerse themselves in the hotel’s history of being haunted if they dare.

Hotel from the movie 'The Shining' (Google Maps)
Hotel from the movie 'The Shining'

Hotel Chelsea, New York City

The Hotel Chelsea was built in 1885, and has housed countless artists, musicians and other notable individuals. It housed survivors from the Titanic, including Mary, who as a ghost continues to wander the halls and gaze at her reflection in mirrors.

Hotel Chelsea (StreetView)
Hotel Chelsea

The hotel is not only haunted, it has also been the scene of murders and suicides, including the murder of Nancy Sprugen, girlfriend of Sex Pistols bassist Sid Vicious.

The writer Dylan Thomas died of pneumonia in his hotel room.

Even those who did not leave the hotel after their last breath have had an impact on the hotel’s legacy, from Mark Twain to Andy Warhol to Jack Kerouac to Madonna.

Sid Vicious / Nancy Spungen Murder Site (Birds Eye)
Sid Vicious / Nancy Spungen Murder Site

Lizzie Borden Bed & Breakfast

Lizzie Borden was a single adult living with her father and stepmother when on August 4, 1892, they were murdered in their home in Fall River, Massachusetts. Lizzie was the prime suspect because of her presence in the house that morning and her suspicious behavior. However, she was acquitted of all charges after the jury debated only half an hour.

The house was turned into a bed and breakfast where visitors often request staying in the room where the stepmother was found.

Lizzie Borden Murder House (Birds Eye)
Lizzie Borden Murder House

Most people look for free WiFi, pools and free breakfast when looking for a hotel, but if you’re looking for something more exciting or more memorable, this list is a great place to start.

Is Washington, D.C. Haunted?

With all the craziness happening these days in Washington, D.C., some have asked if the people there have gone mad.

Well, have they?

Looking over the city’s long and colorful history of slavery, political intrigue and international dealings, it would make sense if the disgruntled, upset and betrayed individuals were rising up and demanding justice for unsettled scores and crimes.

The White House

The White House is home to several ghosts, the most famous of which is Abraham Lincoln himself. No less than President Harry S Truman himself told several accounts of seeing the 16th president on multiple occasions, pacing up and down the halls.

Dolley Madison also makes her presence known here, but she shows up in many houses throughout the city, as busy in the afterlife as she was while she was alive.

White House, The (Google Maps)
White House, The

US Capitol Building

The US Capitol Building likely houses the most disembodied spirits, including one demon cat that appears before national tragedies and right before the presidential inauguration, which occurs on the steps of the Capitol. Rumor has it the cat was seen late on the night of September 10, 2001.

Other spirits include slaves who constructed the building, soldiers who died there when it was an army hospital during the Civil War, and even John Quincy Adams, who suffered a heart attack and died in the building.

United States Capitol (StreetView)
United States Capitol

Federal Aviation Administration Headquarters

Perhaps the most surprising and saddest haunted site in the city is the Federal Aviation Administration office building, which is now a boring government site. However, it was once the site of two large covered slave pens, which were used to hold slaves awaiting sale or transfer during the horrific slave trade in the 1700s and 1800s.

The pens were disguised by a plain yellow house, but those who were once chained to the wall, suffered hunger and pain, and separated from their families forever still haunt this place.

Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) (Google Maps)
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)

The Octagon House

The Octagon House is purported to be the most haunted residence in the city.

Built by Colonel John Tayloe III, it is likely that slaves were sold in the back yard, and it did house several generations of slaves in the early 1800s.

President James Madison and his wife Dolley resided here while the White House underwent repairs after the War of 1812. Dolley, of course, is spotted regularly on the front porch.

A daughter of Colonel Tayloe died in 1812; she and her father fought over a man she loved, and she ran down the stairs in anger. She tripped and fell to her death. Five years later, her sister also fought with her father, also over a love interest, and tripped while running down the stairs. Both sisters haunt areas of the house related to their suspicious deaths.

Octagon, The (Birds Eye)
Octagon, The

The Old Stone House

Giving the Octagon House a run for its money, the Old Stone House in the Georgetown neighborhood has a litany of ghosts, including children, women and a hostile man nicknamed “George”who has been known to strangle visitors. While the specters haven’t been definitively linked to individuals from the house’s history, the descriptions are consistent, leaving little doubt that this three hundred year old home has many otherworldly residents with unfinished scores to settle.

Today, visitors can tour the site, as it is part of the National Park Service.

Old Stone House, The (Birds Eye)
Old Stone House, The

Around every corner in the Capital it seems there is a ghost haunting their death place, looking for loved ones, seeking revenge, or just enjoying the social atmosphere, so be prepared to interact with both the living and the dead if you ever happen to find yourself in Washington, D.C.

Cool Colleges

Labor Day marks the official start of school across the United States. Some schools start a little earlier, but by the time the holiday is over, school is back in session. Let’s look at some of the most famous universities in the US.


The oldest, most famous and most prestigious university in the United States, Harvard University was founded in 1636 and has earned a sterling reputation as a center for educational enlightenment and intellectual influence.

Alumni include eight U.S. presidents, dozens of international heads of state, and countless influential government and economic leaders.

Harvard (Google Maps)

Located in Cambridge, Massachusetts, just outside Boston, the beautiful campus includes centers for medical, business, public service and more.

The university has 79 libraries in its system, centered around the Widener Library. It is the largest library system in the United States and one of the largest in the world.

Widener Library (Birds Eye)
Widener Library


Just a few hours away in New Haven Connecticut, Yale University is the third oldest university in the United States and competes with Harvard for intellectual acclaim. Like Harvard, it is one of the most prestigious universities in the world.

Five presidents, dozens of Nobel Prize winners and 19 Supreme Court justices are among the alumni.

Yale (Google Maps)

While most colleges have fraternities and sororities, Yale has secret societies, the most famous of which is probably Skull and Bones. These societies have off-campus houses much like fraternities where members meet throughout their tenure at the school. Alumni, including the likes of both George W. Bush and John Kerry, remain very involved in the society throughout their lives.

Skull and Bones - Yale University (Birds Eye)
Skull and Bones - Yale University

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

Just down the street from Harvard in Cambridge, Massachusetts, MIT takes up only a small area of the city but has made a tremendous global impact in the science-related fields.

It boasts nearly 100 Nobel Prize winners, 41 astronauts and countless other important and influential scientists and researchers.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) (Google Maps)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

Several buildings have been added to the campus recently, including the unique Stata Center, carry on a tradition of unique architecture for both academic and residential buildings.

Stata Center at MIT (Birds Eye)
Stata Center at MIT

Duke University

Located in Durham, North Carolina, Duke University has a reputation as a powerhouse academic institution, even tying Harvard and Yale for some prestigious rankings.

The university, founded in 1838, changed its name to Duke University in 1924 in concert with a significant endowment from tobacco and power industrialist James Duke. The school isn’t famous just for the academic output, but also for the beautiful campus.

Duke University (Google Maps)
Duke University

To some, Duke doesn’t mean just a great education but an excellent NCAA basketball team. The school, under Coach Krzyzewski, has had a reputation for putting together winning teams, which you can watch at Cameron Indoor Stadium, if you’re lucky enough to get a ticket.

Cameron Indoor Stadium (Google Maps)
Cameron Indoor Stadium

Stanford University

On the west coast, Stanford University was founded in 1885 by Leland Stanford, a former senator, governor and railroad tycoon.

The school has more than 80 Nobel laureates and dozens of successful alumni, as well as a reputation as a consistently good football school.

Stanford University (Google Maps)
Stanford University

After years of financial troubles, a provost guided the university to focus on entrepreneurship and finding opportunities for outside investment, making it the most successful school in terms of attracting outside startup capital and generating revenue from successful ventures. In fact, it is responsible for the development of Silicon Valley, which has become the global hub of technological and social media advancements and innovation.

The Hoover Tower is an 825 foot tall building that looks over the campus, and houses the Hoover Institution on War, Revolution, and Peace.

Hoover Tower (Birds Eye)
Hoover Tower

These five institutions have reputations that carry weight around the world, and the alumni are likely to be successful in life and business. But for the vast majority of us who will only see these schools online or on television, we can enjoy looking at them here, and be grateful we didn’t have the homework, stress and school loan debt it takes to succeed at such a renowned institution.

American Ninja Warrior Filming Locations

Summertime in the United States is a great time for families to bond over baseball games, barbecues, and the hit television show American Ninja Warrior, which has over the last several seasons become a major summer hit.

Families across the country gather around the television each Monday night to watch amateur athletes compete on obstacle courses that are increasingly wild, challenging and entertaining for viewers. The person who completes the course in the fastest time wins $1,000,000 and the right to the title of America Ninja Warrior for the year.

The show holds five regional competitions across the country, finding the best ninjas to compete in the finals in Las Vegas, which will be aired later this summer.

Universal Studios, Los Angeles

The show holds a regional competition in sunny California, and there’s no better place than the Los Angeles Universal Studios back lot. Universal Studios is where many of the best television and movie shows are filmed.

Universal Studios (Google Maps)
Universal Studios

The wildness of the salmon ladder and warp wall fit right in among the massive and spectacular filming locations like the full-fledged airplane disaster set.

Airline Disaster (Birds Eye)
Airline Disaster

Mercedes Benz Stadium, Atlanta

Across the country in Atlanta, Georgia, fans gather from across the southeast to cheer on the athletes as they compete on the course, running and jumping through the obstacles on their way to Las Vegas and the chance to compete for a million dollars.

Atlanta Skyline (StreetView)
Atlanta Skyline

The show is filmed outside the Mercedes Benz Stadium in downtown Atalanta, where the Falcons NFL team play, concerts are held, and other major events take place.

Mercedes-Benz Stadium (Google Maps)
Mercedes-Benz Stadium

Oklahoma State Capitol, Oklahoma City

In downtown Oklahoma City, hopefuls have the chance to compete for a million dollars in the shadow of the state capitol building.

American Ninja Warrior episodes were filmed earlier in the year, but contestants and audience members do a great job of keeping the results a surprise for the viewing audience.

Oklahoma State Capitol (Birds Eye)
Oklahoma State Capitol

Tacoma Dome, Seattle/Tacoma

Seattle and Tacoma are two of Washington’s largest cities and often share sites and resources, including the Tacoma Dome, which hosts concerts, sports events and other major events.

American Ninja Warrior is filmed onsite, attracting contenders from across the Pacific Northwest.

Tacoma Dome (Google Maps)
Tacoma Dome

Downtown Cincinnati

For those from the east and northeast United States, Cincinnati is the best location for competitors seeking a path to Las Vegas. On the banks of the Ohio River, ninjas run, jump, and muscle their way to the buzzer for their shot at the opportunity to become the next American Ninja Warrior.

"PNC Tower" by Cass Gilbert (Birds Eye)
"PNC Tower" by Cass Gilbert

The Strip, Las Vegas

After qualifying and elimination rounds at each regional location, the best ninjas from across the country meet in Las Vegas where they compete under the dazzling lights and energy of the Las Vegas Strip, making the event even more exciting for both contestants and viewers alike.

Las Vegas: The Strip - Google Earth (StreetView)
Las Vegas: The Strip - Google Earth

Each year the course is revised to be more difficult, taxing the athletic ability, metal acuity and psychological endurance of the athletes. Ninjas have time between their qualification and final rounds of competition to prepare for the increased challenge, but even the best struggle to complete the crazy obstacles.

In the eleven seasons, only two people have completed the course. Recently, the show has instituted a cash award for the competitor who makes it through the most of the course in the shortest time, even if they don’t complete it and win the $1,000,000.

The final episodes will air over the next few weeks on Monday nights on NBC. Be sure to tune in for the drama as we watch to see if America gets a new Ninja Warrior.




There’s nothing more terrifying than the moment the very ground beneath your feet begins to shake, becoming unstable, and even crumbling away from you. Earthquake!

Earthquakes occur when faults in the earth’s crust move, causing the ground to shake as the earth’s crust is forced into new positions. Earthquakes can be felt hundreds and thousands of miles from the epicenter, and they can cause significant damage, even when communities and people are prepared.

Earthquakes happen all the time throughout the world, but because they are generally minor, occur over water, and don’t cause much damage we don’t hear about them. However, when they’re big, they strike on or near land, or they cause damage, the whole world takes note.

Here are some recent headlining earthquakes.

Ridgecrest, California

The first week in July, 2019, has seen several earthquakes near the town of Ridgecrest, in central southern California. The town is closely tied to Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake.

Tremors were felt hundreds of miles away, including in Las Vegas, Nevada.

The largest quake felt was rated 7.1, but because of substantial protections and planning, there has been relatively limited damage and no loss of life.

Because there have been multiple earthquakes over several days, scientists cannot say that the series is finished, or if more are on their way.

U.S. Naval Museum of Armament and Technology (Google Maps)
U.S. Naval Museum of Armament and Technology

Tohoku, Japan

On March 11, 2011, a record 9.0 earthquake struck northern Japan. As an after-effect of the earthquake, a large tsunami struck the region shortly after, bringing a wall of water more than 100 feet high on shore, washing away homes, buildings, and even, sadly, people.

These aren't supposed to be here (StreetView)
These aren't supposed to be here

It left debris and carnage in the wake, damaging more than half a million structures and destroying nearly 200,000.

Destroyed house (2011 Tōhoku earthquake) (StreetView)
Destroyed house (2011 Tōhoku earthquake)

More than 15,000 people perished from the earthquake and tsunami. It also caused significant damage to three nearby nuclear reactors, causing Japan’s public to worry about a nuclear disaster for years following the disaster. However, due to careful planning and some good fortune, the damage was not worse.

Onagawa Nuclear Power Plant (Google Maps)
Onagawa Nuclear Power Plant

Port-au-Prince, Haiti

On January 12, 2010, a magnitude 7.0 earthquake hit near Haiti’s capital, Port-au-Prince. More than 220,000 people were killed and more than 1 million people died.

2010 Haiti earthquake epicenter (Google Maps)
2010 Haiti earthquake epicenter

Due to the country’s poor infrastructure, many people were left without adequate housing or access to water and sanitation, furthering their suffering and struggle to recover after the earthquake. Tent camps were constructed, financed by international donations, and some people have turned these temporary shelters into permanent residences.

2010 Haiti Earthquake Recovery Tent Camp (Google Maps)
2010 Haiti Earthquake Recovery Tent Camp

 Sumatra-Andama, Indonesia

On December 26, 2004, the third largest recorded earthquake struck off the coast of Indonesia. The earthquake and subsequent tsunamis killed more than 225,000 people in 14 countries across southern Asia, and left devastation and ruin in its wake. The earthquake lasted between eight and ten minutes.

Banda Aceh, Indonesia, was hit by the earthquake and nearly demolished by the tsunami. The tsunami struck in at least three waves, leading to increased casualties as individuals saw the first waves recede and thought the worst was over, only to be swept away in subsequent waves.

2004-12-26 - Banda Aceh, Indonesia (Google Maps)
2004-12-26 - Banda Aceh, Indonesia

The city has created a tsunami museum, which helps commemorate and remember the terrible events of that day.

Tsunami Museum (Google Maps)
Tsunami Museum

Entire towns and cities were destroyed. Lhok Nga in Indonesia, was completely leveled by the earthquake and at least 15 large and small tsunamis. However, the town has been largely rebuilt, though the scars of the terrible day are still evident.

2004-12-26 - Lhok Nga, town destroyed by the tsunami (Google Maps)
2004-12-26 - Lhok Nga, town destroyed by the tsunami

We are reminded of how quickly things can change; whether it’s an earthquake or related tsunami, things can change in an instance. The threat of the “big one” is always looming. Be careful and be prepared!


A Farewell to Game of Thrones

Whether you’ve bent the knee to Daenerys, Jon, Sansa or Tyrion, chances are you’re looking forward in anticipation the end of Game of Thrones (or aren’t watching the show and can’t wait for this all to be over with).

Over 8 seasons of production, Game of Thrones has filmed in hundreds of locations across Europe (mostly), using everything from iconic architecture to built-for-the show sets.

User kkeps has gathered an amazing collection of over 140 Game of Thrones filming locations that you have to check out:

Below you can check out a sample of these iconic real-world Game of Thrones filming locations!

Doune Castle (Winterfell in Game of Thrones) (Bing Maps)
Doune Castle (Winterfell in Game of Thrones)
Castle Black set ("Game of Thrones") (Google Maps)
Castle Black set ("Game of Thrones")
Great Sept of Baelor (Game of Thrones Filming Location) (StreetView)
Great Sept of Baelor (Game of Thrones Filming Location)
"Prince Oberyn vs. The Mountain" battle site (Game of Thrones) (Bing Maps)
"Prince Oberyn vs. The Mountain" battle site (Game of Thrones)
Jaime trains to fight ("Game of Thrones") (StreetView)
Jaime trains to fight ("Game of Thrones")
The Bloody Gate site ("Game of Thrones") (StreetView)
The Bloody Gate site ("Game of Thrones")
"Prince Oberyn vs. The Mountain" battle site (Game of Thrones) (Bing Maps)
"Prince Oberyn vs. The Mountain" battle site (Game of Thrones)
Highgarden ("Game of Thrones") (StreetView)
Highgarden ("Game of Thrones")
Castle Ward (Google Maps)
Castle Ward
Verdala Palace ("Game of Thrones") (Google Maps)
Verdala Palace ("Game of Thrones")
Nymeria attacks Joffrey ("Game of Thrones") (Google Maps)
Nymeria attacks Joffrey ("Game of Thrones")
Mdina Gate ("Game of Thrones") (StreetView)
Mdina Gate ("Game of Thrones")
Pjazza Mesquita ("Game of Thrones") (StreetView)
Pjazza Mesquita ("Game of Thrones")
Tourney of the Hand ("Game of Thrones") (Google Maps)
Tourney of the Hand ("Game of Thrones")
Tower of Joy ("Game of Thrones") (StreetView)
Tower of Joy ("Game of Thrones")
Vaes Dothrak set ("Game of Thrones") (Google Maps)
Vaes Dothrak set ("Game of Thrones")
Banys Àrabs ("Game of Thrones") (StreetView)
Banys Àrabs ("Game of Thrones")
Battle of the Bastards site ("Game of Thrones") (StreetView)
Battle of the Bastards site ("Game of Thrones")
Itzurun Beach ("Game of Thrones") (StreetView)
Itzurun Beach ("Game of Thrones")
Dany battles the Lannisters ("Game of Thrones") (Google Maps)
Dany battles the Lannisters ("Game of Thrones")

If you want more, definitely check out an interactive map of all 140+ filming locations: Part 1 and Part 2!

Iceland is Nice!

Iceland: the island of fire and ice, volcanoes and glaciers.

This tiny island nation of just over 300,000 people is quickly becoming one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world, and one look at it’s unique features makes it clear why!


The capital of the island country is small enough that it feels more like a town, but it still has the vibrancy of any global city. The city is particularly famous for it’s nightlife, with more than 100 bars and clubs for the city of 100,000. Icelanders head out to bars late at night, so plan to stay out late if you want to live like a local.

If you really want to fit in, try the national dish of pickled shark!

Photo Credit: Wikipedia

The city places a high value on arts and entertainment, as can be seen with the beautiful Harpa Concert Hall.

Finished in 2011, it’s modern features are in stark contrast to the traditional feel of much of the city’s architecture, but it’s modern glass facade is actually inspired by the basalt features known throughout the country.

Harpa (concert hall) (StreetView)
Harpa (concert hall)


Iceland’s relatively recent development has encouraged very modern and avant garde architecture, including the Hallgrímskirkja, the largest church in Iceland.

The church was inspired by a famous waterfall, as well as famous rock formations, and finished in 1986, paying homage to a historic Icelandic poet.

Hallgrímskirkja (Google Maps)

Lake Mývatn

Lake Mývatn is part of a wider geothermal area, created roughly 2,000 years ago by the still-active volcano Krafla. The area is filled with breathtaking geographical wonders created by the volcano, including lava formations, giant waterfalls, deep caves and geothermal ponds.

Visitors can hike in the caves and along the waterfall and swim in the ponds, but they must be careful as some are dangerously hot.

Those Game of Thrones fans with a keen eye may recognize some of the landscapes, as the show has been filmed on location.

Mývatn ("Game of Thrones") (StreetView)
Mývatn ("Game of Thrones")

Goðafoss Waterfall

This waterfall is known as the Waterfall of the Gods. Legend has it that when Iceland converted to Christianity around 1000 AD, the local ruler threw all pagan statues into the waterfall, committing himself and the country to Christ.

Visitors can hike around the waterfall and enjoy the spectacular views of Iceland’s pristine landscapes.

Goðafoss (StreetView)

Blue Lagoon

The Blue Lagoon is a geothermal saltwater lagoon that is soothing both for the soul and the body. The beautiful, sky blue water and volcano-formed landscape allow visitors to relax in the spa-like water.

The water itself has healing properties, including high levels of silica and minerals that relieve skin diseases and refresh the skin and body.

Blue Lagoon - geothermal spa in Iceland (Google Maps)
Blue Lagoon - geothermal spa in Iceland

Eldfell Volcano

Iceland was formed by volcanic activity over thousands of years, but it is still being formed and changed by active volcanoes, including Eldfell Volcano on the island of Heimaey.

Eldfell erupted over several weeks in 1973, requiring major intervention to prevent the island from being abandoned permanently.

Tourists can check out the results and learn about living cooperatively with nature.

Eldfell volcano (Google Maps)
Eldfell volcano

Contrary to it’s name, Iceland is the hot place to be these days, and tourists are coming in ever greater numbers to view for themselves the breathtaking natural wonders and participate in the unique and strong cultural traditions of the people.

Brooklyn Nine-Nine Has a New Home–Check Out the Cast’s Homes!

Americans love their crime shows and the comedies. With Brooklyn Nine-Nine you don’t have to choose!

The slapstick comedy surrounding Andy Samberg’s character Jake Peralta, his boss, Terry Crew’s Captain Raymond Holt and the precinct was a breakout success on Fox in 2013, but after five seasons, the network cancelled the show. NBC rescued the show, and fans, by picking up the series and ordering another season, which premiered January 10, 2019.

As the show has a new home, it’s a great time to see homes of the cast and creators too!

Andy Samberg

Andy Samberg, who rose to fame on Saturday Night Live before becoming even more famous starring as Jake Peralta on Brooklyn Nine-Nine, lives with his wife Joanna Newsom in the Beachwood Canyon area of Los Angeles.

Their estate, named “Moorcrest” was purchased in 2014 for $6.25 million. The home includes a domed atrium, backyard pool complete with a cave, and has great attention to detail blending Moorish and Art Nouveau styles throughout the home.

Andy Samberg's House (Google Maps)
Andy Samberg's House

Terry Crews

Long before he became known as Captain Raymond Holt, Terry Crews had a successful football career, playing for the Rams, Redskins and Chargers. Then he transitioned into acting, and in 2013 landed on the cast of Brooklyn Nine-Nine.

He lives with his wife and some of his five children in a lovely Santa Monica mansion complete with guest house and pool.

Terry Crews' House (Google Maps)
Terry Crews' House

He also owns a downtown Los Angeles loft, where he spends time working on creative projects and when he needs to be closer to the city. The open-concept loft is his “man cave” and retreat from the world where he can seek inspiration for his comedic and design endeavors.

Terry Crews

Michael Schur

Michael Schur is the magic behind many of the iconic television shows of our era, writing for shows including The Office, Parks and Recreation and of course Brooklyn Nine-Nine. His writing emphasizes the characters and their growth, often in uplifting and amusing ways, which engages viewers and develops positive fan followings wherever he goes in his career.

He has lived in the same Los Angeles home with his wife and two children for several years.

Michael Schur's House (Birds Eye)
Michael Schur's House

Kyra Sedgwick

Most famous for her role as a tough-as-nails police officer in The Closer, Kyra Sedgwick had a fun and popular guest appearance on Brooklyn Nine-Nine. She has since remained a huge fan of the show and continues to speak highly of the time she was able to work with the cast and crew.

She and her husband, Kevin Bacon, raised their two children in a gorgeous home in Sharon, Connecticut.

Kevin Bacon & Kyra Sedgwick's House (Birds Eye)
Kevin Bacon & Kyra Sedgwick's House

Like most actors, she also maintains a residence in Los Angeles, California. She and Kevin have owned this mansion complete with outdoor pool since 2012.

Kevin Bacon and Kyra Sedgwick's house (Birds Eye)
Kevin Bacon and Kyra Sedgwick's house

While Andy, Terry and the rest of the cast are nowhere near the trendy borough and it’s eponymous bridge, since filming takes place in California, it’s fun to watch the show about New York’s coolest, and funniest, borough.

Brooklyn Bridge (Birds Eye)
Brooklyn Bridge